'If I were the type', Gossip Girl Slash - Eric/Asher, Eric/Chuck, Rated: R

May 17, 2008 22:10

Title: If I were the type
Author: homo_genius A.K.A. pikapika217 A.K.A. CosmicPudding
Pairing: Asher/Eric, Eric/Chuck
Rating: R
Summary: Eric wasn't as good as everyone imagined him to be
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. anymore. damn that Repo man!
Author's note: No one's done an Asher/Eric fic, with great understanding since he's such an ass, but I figured someone should remember Eric's first boyfriend. set night after 'All about my brother'

Title: If I were the type
Pairing: Gossip Girl: Asher/Eric , Eric/Chuck
Rated: R

He should've know things would never work out with Asher. He was so flighty all the time, and would barely kiss him most times. Eric had to practically drag him to third base, so when he saw him kissing Jenny, he really shouldn't have been that suprised. He talked to Jenny, who just sort've laughed it off, and when Asher tried to come up to him he did his best to storm away from the school, running at one point. Down the steps he went, leaving Asher to catch up with him, which he managed to do before he turned the corner.

"Er-Eric! Wait!" He replied out of breath. His hands were on his knees as he tried to catch himself. "It wasn't what it looked like!"

"Like hell it wasn't. I just wish you'd kiss me with half that much passion. Are you gay or not?" Eric made sure to supress a yell, hitting him against the chest instead.

"I am, really. it's just complicated right now. Jenny's just an image I need to maintain. I mean, you know how high school kids are on gays, especially here." Eric scoffed at the flimsy, refused to really look at him, but Asher cupped his face and looked him straight in the eyes. "You know I love you, Eric." Eric only rolled his eyes, but Asher continued: " Baby, you know that, right?" He added. Realizing that it was to no avail, he stopped talking and kissed Eric, really kissed him, for the first time, until it was Eric who was out of breath.

"She doesn't mean anything next to you. know that." Asher turned, leaving Eric to collect himself. Eric was still unsure if he believed him, but with a kiss like that, he didn't really let that gut feeling bother him.

So, when he got to the party, after being so cruely outed by Georgina, it was really a slap in the face to hear Asher react how he did. Though, he shouldn't have been suprised when it all went down. He was more hurt that he let himself be duped above everything else. And he certainly wasn't looking forward to school the next day.

Though, it wasn't bad, all things considered. Nobody out right mocked him, though it was obvious everyone had read. He even got a few passes, and was told several times how Asher had run away for a semester in Sweden. If anything, the day was hell for Jenny. He'd have to talk to her as soon as she finished her punishment.

Going home was a bit...much. Bart not even paying him any mind, well less than he already had, Serena trying to be a good sister but unsure how, and his mother avoiding him. His room, or what would become his room soon enough, was what he needed. no, scratch tht, what he needed was a sexual release. all that time waiting around for Asher, hoping to soon give him his virginity, were wasted, so he went to the tried and true method that had been just right on those long nights. All he needed was that lotion and the thought of a certain dark hair killer and the doctor he was so obviously persuing, to get things done. He slumped into the area where his bed could hide him from view, closed his eyes, and let the vision of Sylar stripping a bound and gagged Mohinder to take him there.

He was almost about to shoot, when he opened his eyes and saw Chuck Bass smirking down at him, and was all the more amused at seeing him freak out, sputtering quietly.

"Oh no, please continue." Chuck chuckled softly "You're quite a sight to see. And to think, I was dreading being forced in here to check up on you." Before he could even begin to freak out more, he added "Don't worry: Serena's out with Dan and you mom and my dad went to some society function. It's just the two of us here."

Finally, Eric began to settle down. Or had started to, until Chuck continued:

"I never thought you be one to ship Sylar/Mohinder. They make about as much sense as......you and me would"

'oh, god!' was screaming itself over and over in Eric's brain.

"Yo-you heard me?"

"Hard not to. not that it was bad, really. Heh. You do sort of remind me of Mohinder. Smart, but naive and too idealistic" By this point, Chuck had crouched down on one knee and was gently stroking his face before he kissed him sensually.

"And way too easily distracted. Someone like Sylar could take advantage of that."

Kisses continued, and Chuck, who had since unbuckled his pants, grabbed Eric and started fucking him against the wall, holding him up by grabbing his legs, but mostly with the sheer rapid movement of his body. Eric, who had since stopped kissing Chuck, was too busy moaning to really complain about anything, really. He was thrilled, to be honest. This was exactly the kind of thing he'd always wanted Asher to do to him. But Chuck was definitely nothing like Asher, which was the hottest thing about him.

"How do you know he doesn't want to be taken advantage of?" It was the first thing Eric had said since he was seduced by Chuck. They had slowed down, now inside Chuck's locked, sound proof room instead of his own. After Eric first shot all over him, Chuck decided a change of scenery was needed. So, securing Eric in his hands, He carried him back ho his room, with eric pogo-ing against him all the way there. Chuck had kicked the door open, and shut and locked it, before screwing Eric against it, and laying him on the bed.

"It might even turn him on" It certainly did the trick for Eric. Before, he wasn't really asking Asher for love. what he wanted was passion, something Chuck seemed to ooze from every pore. "With the right person, at least"

"Well, If I were the type to take advantage, I'd never have taken as long as Sylar has. if anything, I would've done that first. but then again, not everyone can be as smart as Chuck Bass, now can they?"

By then, the two of them had settled into a comfortable silence, and when he woke up, Eric was a bit dissapointed to be back in his own bed. That is, until he read the note attached to a rose next to his bed:

I'm not sure seeing you passed out naked in my room would've sat too well with you mother, not that that matters much. But it would lead to us never being left alone together again, and we can have that, can we?

Eric couldn't agree more.


another Eric/Chuck fic! they inspire me so (I totally need an icon for them. they deserve it!) I love this couple like no other and they are my favorite Gossip girl Slash pairing now. and they do seem to be like Momo and Sy for me. What do you guys think? the parallels are quite similar.

Let me know what you think of this!

Anyway, that's all for now.

Til the next fic,

Bye Bye!

eric/asher, gossip girl slash, fic, chuck/eric

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