Mr. Bad Man, Bravo 'model' RPS: Ronnie/Casey/Perry, Perry/Casey, implied Ben/Ronnie, rated: R

Mar 11, 2008 20:10

Title: Mr. Bad Man
Author: homo_genius A.K.A. pikapika217 A.K.A. CosmicPudding
Pairing: Ronnie/Perry/Casey, Perry/Casey, Implied Ben/Ronnie
Rating: R
Summary: Set night of episode 9
Disclaimer: not mine
Author's note: Ok, so I read the fiction 'The Games Perry Plays' by spikedluv and GUH! So good. It got me thinking. Completely Perry P.O.V. in Second person. Also, I can't remember whether or not Perry & Casey's room is next to Ronnie & Ben, but we'll say it is, and that the wall they share has Ronnie and Casey's beds on either side.

Title: Mr. Bad Man
Pairing: Ronnie/Perry/Casey, Perry/Casey, Implied Ben/Ronnie
Rated: R

When he learns that the bottom three again includes Ronnie and Casey, he's not worried, until he realizes that Ben is there too. He knows what needs to be done immediately and sets too work.

Perry is not a nice man In fact, he's quite the bastard and a jackass to boot. He knows this. And he knows that the others know this. They know he's manipulative, conniving but not completely unfeeling. He's completely open and closed off at once. Either way though, he needs to make something happen tonight, which all starts with getting back to Ronnie. He hadn't planned on sleeping with him that night, but it happened and happened in a big way. He in that instant realized what a fool Ben was as well as how to claim Ronnie as his own and steal him right from under Ben.

On the way home, he makes sure to get in Ronnie's car and sub more interaction with Ben. The more damage to that bridge, the better. He was feeling confident when that went well, and started to talk Ronnie up. Really make him want it again. He didn't tell Ronnie this, but he heard Ben up on the stairs, and decided to rattle his cage with a deep with from Ronnie. He didn't expect to like it in the slightest, but shaking Ben's world turned out to be the minor benefit. He wouldn't consider himself gay, or even bi really, but Ronnie was damn hot, like a more self assured Casey in a more perfectly structured body to match.

Unlike Ronnie, sex with Casey was easy, all too easy really. Even with Frankie there, ever since their photo shoot, Perry's had Casey eating out of the palm of his hand, and a night or two later, sex seemed natural, so he took it. Casey was so needy in bed: very hands on and unsure, with little moans for every emotion he must be feeling at that moment. But sex with him was easy, not to mention he could suck like a dream, and that was after a hard days' work. when he was well rested, he was beautiful in bed. So with the thought of both of his main squeezes on the chopping block, he put the moves on Ronnie, knowing that Casey, who had grown more attached to him since that first time, would go along with pretty much whatever he said or wanted.

"So, meet me in my room later on tonight? I guarantee you'll enjoy yourself" he purred in Ronnie's ear as they approached the loft. The blush on Ronnie's face, coupled with that gorgeous smile gave him all the answer he needed. He then pulled Casey toward him as they entered the house and explained what was to happen. If this was to be, he needed him to stay in the room too.

Ronnie came to his room soon enough and the Kissing started. He told Ronnie earlier that if he liked the other night as much as he did, that he should go to his room a little after dinner. Perry's hands roamed that too un-familiar torso of Ronnie's and stripped him as they tossed and turned. They ended up on Casey's bed with Perry pinning Ronnie to the mattress. He soon heard Casey's soft footsteps and began to strip Ronnie down. He never directly told Ronnie that this would be a threesome, but by the reaction he saw from when Casey impaled himself on the standing Ronnie, he didn't mind at all. They switched positions and Casey ended up sandwitched between Ronnie, who's low guttural moans, different from those he had heard before, and hard thrusts were becoming more frequent with every turn, and Perry, who was sprawled out onto Casey's Bed, with his head rapidly bobbing up and down in Perry's lap. Everything was falling into place, and the last piece came together soon after.

He knew that Ben always waited for Ronnie on his bed, so he knew he could hear the moans coming from the other room. If he really listened, he could hear the angry, short breaths on the other side of the wall, and that turned Perry on even more than he currently was. Casey's moans picked up, as he could tell from Ronnie's flushed face that the pay off would soon come, and it did, along with Casey who spilled all over the floor, well, onto his shoes at least. Perry grinned at that, as whenever he saw or wore those, he'd have to remember this perfectly erotic moment in time. Perry came soon after, Casey flicking his tongue at the spasming member cautiously before easing himself off of a nearly spent Ronnie. Perry pulled Ronnie close and started what would be a hickey by the next morning right under his sweaty nipple.

When he finished, Ronnie, still sweaty and catching his breath, slowly dressed for Perry, as he saw Casey seal his mouth around Perry's semi-erect member. The look in his eyes was a cross between shock, gratitude and confusion, but he gave Perry one last glance as he walked out the door into his own room. Then he heard, what he surmised to be an enraged, and probably naked, Ben locking the door and the soft squeak of a body pushed onto the bed. Soon the same moans he had heard were coming from the bedroom next to his, and the though that he made Ben angry enough to do all of that turned him on a bit.

He knew he was a bad man, but he wondered sometimes just how much of a better person Ben was. Sure, he was more blatant with his treachery, but Ben was the one who stringed Ronnie along this long and left it all up in the air. Once he knew they had an audience the night before, he made sure to really toss himself into Ronnie, wanting him to know what he should have had from someone who was as big a flirt as Ben. It was cruel to just dangle himself in front of Ronnie, so he figured that Ronnie was long overdue for someone to ravish him.

But....then he realized that what ben was doing with Ronnie, he in a sense was doing with Casey. He and Ben seemed to be of the same kind, but at least he gave Casey something, but not enough. And he began to feel bad. Realistically, it was very likely that both Ronnie and Ben would be there after elimination, and Casey would be sent home confused beyond his senses to a family he couldn't exactly open up too. Perry knew he was a bad man, but he could at least change for the remainder of time he and Casey had left. The fact of the matter was, Ronnie was a challenge, a prize to be won, but Casey? Casey would be the one he'd want to come home too. Both men were more than fit to be attached too, but with Casey, the effort was minimal. They just sort of functioned a bit on the same wavelength. Ronnie would require a lot more of working things out for him, and really, they wouldn't last that long. Casey he could be with forever. They were a perfect fit: alike enough to be together, but different enough to stay together. Casey could be his everything if they both gave it a chance.

So, as Casey, who had by now rested his head on the expanse of Perry's chest, clung to his arms and softly kissed his nipples, Perry gave Casey one last fuck, but not like anything he's given to either he or Ronnie before. No, this one was filled with softer, slower thrusts and more kissing. A lot more kissing, everywhere that he could on Casey smooth abdomen and pecs. He knew he couldn't save Casey, as much as he wanted to now, but at the very least he could treasure what little time they had left.


I liked this. I really could see Perry and Casey lasting forever, but I'm really just a sap. someone else pointed it out to me, but Ben really isn't all that great and amazing. He's quite a jerk if you think about it. Stringing Ronnie along like that? I'm not saying to hate him, but he's always, always flirting with him and it's just ugh. So, they had really, really hot somewhat angry sex because ben was dumb and waited too long to claim what was his. Anyway, I wanted to type something before I went away for the weekend. If you guys like this too, I'll do a last one of Ronnie, chronically both of these and the conclusion. So, what did you think?

casey/perry, series, fic, ronnie/ben, ronnie/casey/perry, real person slash, make me a supermodel rps

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