Parassault oo8 // Video

Jan 06, 2012 22:35

Safehouses, immediately!

[There is screaming in the background.]

Yes, sir, I am well aware, but the building is made of wood and you must take cover in a safer location than-

[The feed cuts out for a few minutes, jarring a bit, then goes to video. Alexia is sopping wet, and the edges of her coat are smoking.]While I appreciate a warm fire in the ( Read more... )

*event: ekpyrosis/walpurgis

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[Video] wingsandwill January 7 2012, 06:24:41 UTC
Any books of particular value or rarity could be buried temporarily and would be potentially safe from the fire, should you have means to do so safely.


[Video] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:27:02 UTC
I have thrown several into the vault, though I did not have enough time to hunt down all important volumes. Immediate survival is of more import.


[Video] wingsandwill January 7 2012, 06:30:24 UTC

Do you have somewhere safe to go to?


[Video] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:36:56 UTC
Not at present. However, if some way of traveling were made safe, I may find the source of this mess and deign to deal with it myself.

Are there current plans to find those responsible?


[Video] wingsandwill January 7 2012, 06:38:44 UTC
I had some success with soaking my clothing.

[He hadn't burned himself too badly for the short distance he'd had to go, anyway. So success.]

Did you see the post made by one of the Animus?


[Video] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:42:58 UTC
I poured a bucket on myself before leaving.

I have.

However, the creature mentioned something she had unleashed. Do you believe that killing her would put a stop to this madness?


[Video] wingsandwill January 7 2012, 06:45:30 UTC
It's doubtful, unless she is directing it.

[Which he guesses she isn't, by the very nature of what she called it.]

However, killing her still seems a worthwhile endeavour.


[Video] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:48:32 UTC
If I can get close enough to touch her, I may be able to make it significantly easier.

Failing that-

[She smiles, showing her teeth.]


[Video] wingsandwill January 7 2012, 06:58:51 UTC

[He is all for killing the bitch. If Alexia can manage it, he'll support her.]


[Private//Unhackable] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 07:11:36 UTC
I will be able to pass through any barriers erected. However, I am mortal and thus vulnerable. I will not be able to get close. Would someone else be able to get within touching distance?


[Private//Unhackable] wingsandwill January 7 2012, 07:18:19 UTC
An angel might. Likewise one of the shinigami potentially could.


[Private//Unhackable] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 07:25:03 UTC
There are certain- properties that I have, that my blood also has.

Let me think on a plan.


[Private//Unhackable] wingsandwill January 7 2012, 07:27:15 UTC

If you need a location to stay, the safehouse Jo and I built is available. [x,y]


[Private//Unhackable] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 07:29:29 UTC
You have my appreciation.

Is there any plan to encounter the Animus spirit? A team?


[Private//Unhackable] wingsandwill January 7 2012, 07:31:00 UTC
None that I am aware of as of yet. We don't know what the Animus' strengths or vulnerabilities are, and so even a large team must be coordinated carefully to have a chance.


[Private//Unhackable] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 07:33:40 UTC
If you must tell others, please do not reveal the nature of my help?


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