Parassault oo8 // Video

Jan 06, 2012 22:35

Safehouses, immediately!

[There is screaming in the background.]

Yes, sir, I am well aware, but the building is made of wood and you must take cover in a safer location than-

[The feed cuts out for a few minutes, jarring a bit, then goes to video. Alexia is sopping wet, and the edges of her coat are smoking.]While I appreciate a warm fire in the ( Read more... )

*event: ekpyrosis/walpurgis

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pity_bangs January 7 2012, 05:43:34 UTC

Think there are bigger concerns than your books. [He sounds very...amused by everything.]


[Video] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 05:45:33 UTC
Obviously, but there is a small window of time in which to act.


[Video] pity_bangs January 7 2012, 05:46:07 UTC
They won't be saved. Stop being stupid.


[Video] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 05:53:43 UTC
Stop crowing uselessly and accomplish something.


[Video] pity_bangs January 7 2012, 05:54:14 UTC
I already blew a building up.


[Video] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:01:03 UTC
I said useful, not lunatic.

[Hiten you are not being part of the solution.]


[Video] pity_bangs January 7 2012, 06:02:03 UTC
I was in complete control-- there was nothing lunatic about it.

[He solves all the problems what do you even mean?]

Get out of there, Alexia.


[Video] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:07:51 UTC
I am- in the process of it.

[With a growl, she opens up a parasol and prepares to make a run for it. It's not hers normal one. It looks to be stitched together.]

With my apologies, Usagi dear, though take comfort in the fact that it is for a good cause.


[Video] pity_bangs January 7 2012, 06:10:17 UTC
[His brows go up. He's familiar with her parasol, but doesn't question it.]

Gonna make it out okay?


[Video] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:12:49 UTC
[She doesn't have time to answer, because she's plunged into the raining flames at a dead run.]


[Video] / [Offline] pity_bangs January 7 2012, 06:15:38 UTC
[He purses his lips to wait for an answer. Patiently-- sort of. But she has to respond to tell him she's okay and everything will be fine and he can blow more things up, right?

But she doesn't and he growls because it makes him tense before he goes off in the direction of the library in search of her.]


[Offline] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:25:21 UTC
[Nope, no response. It might take a bit of time to find her, considering all the screaming, running, dying and fire. It's not the best day.

He'll find Alexia under a rapidly burning overhang, dousing the edges of her burning dress in the remaining snow.]


[Offline] pity_bangs January 7 2012, 06:27:20 UTC
[And he'll roll his eyes because she is okay and he just wasted a lot of time seeking her out. He'll step to the ground with a scowl, the storm clouds with lightening accompanying his presence.]

Incompetent woman.


[Offline] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:32:22 UTC
[She's a mess, streaked with soot, eyes watering enough to draw wet lines through the dirt on her face, and she's coughing enough to sound painful.]

Oh, were you planning to destroy th-... this-? Shall I move?


[Offline] pity_bangs January 7 2012, 06:35:31 UTC
[He's covered in soot with some of things tattered, but overall, staying in the air's kept Hiten clean, and his gaze hardens on her.]

I wasted my fucking time looking for you because you couldn't give me an answer. And here you are, cleaning your fucking dress! [There's a snarl.]


[Offline] homo_exanimus January 7 2012, 06:40:03 UTC
I'm not cleaning it, you dolt-

[She pulls the edge of her dress from the snow, glancing at it, then holds out the long edges.]

Cut the blasted thing off. It keeps catching fire.


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