I know I'll deserve some flack for not providing more/better evidence to the following.
1. Why does every point Ron Paul has to make come down to "
property rights"? Libertarianism is annoying and I'm not seeing much evidence otherwise. It seems like he/his supporters love to counter arguments with, "Well, that's irrelevant. The world is black and white and you can be gay, have an abortion or believe in evolution (though I don't agree with any of those) just don't touch my land, my gun or my money." (love you, Justin) [I will confess that I agree with some of his views and adore the way he professes them in a sense of, "Wake up you idiots! This is the truth and you're just smirking as though it doesn't matter."]
2. I have to careful here. I absolutely loathe politics. Politics aren't governance. I try to avoid the tabloid coverage of the election year until it really matters. I informed myself just enough and voted Kucinich in the non-contest Michigan primaries. I've had Obama fever for a while but choose to keep quiet about it. I don't know all the issues but he comes in first in all those "Which candidate best represents you?" matrices, after Kucinich and Gravel. I mostly agree with him, I like his presence and I like the possibility he represents. I'll concede that I'm not fully informed about all the issues and politics, but again, I don't think a lot of it matters. (It is awful that Romney that tied his dog to the top of his car, but there are better reasons not to like him.)
There was the recent
kerfuffle about Conservatives/Republicans being afraid of Obama as he is the "Democrats' Reagan". (I didn't like Reagan, surprise, but think it's a compliment) It's a silly article but got a lot of press. Obama detractors have myriad reasons, many correct, to say he can't do the job. But the author, Dreher, echoes the excitement a lot of people are feeling. Throw support from the Kennedys into the mix and we're on our way to some JFK/RFK fever. And then I get scared. What if he gets targeted? (Hell, if Hillary gets the nomination I'll vote for her- and not in the "anyone but a Republican way", I like her. But what if she were targeted?) Targeted for murder, of course. I can't think up any elaborate scenarios or implications other than, "Dude that would suck." The party (not Dem.) would be over. The end.
Also, it isn't even Super Tuesday and we only have two Democratic candidates. Ridiculous.
3. Seriously, we need to lower (more importantly, equalize) our standard of living. I'm not talking about favelas for all, but all this talk about recession and standard of living decreasing seems trivial. Blah blah blah, the earth can't support our standard of living, but seriously.