Feb 25, 2008 20:00
3 midterms this week! *woot woot* ...that's just acting
wedding this weekend in southern ohio. i'm excited. thanks william for going with me.
i found an internship i might apply to. it's for a planning and development firm with locations across the US and one in Brazil. it would take place in Santa Fe for 10weeks. i have to apply this week. we'll see.
my mom has been harassing me about graduation. guess i have to go buy the announcements and invitations to my open house, which is the weekend before finals....so much motivation to do well, lol.
financial aid never emailed me back about Spain this summer. still hoping. if not maybe i'll just go to Korea early. although my stepdad laughed at me and asked why i even went to college. i hate being related to a bunch of backwards hicks. i guess i shouldn't really care if they understand why its important. i havent needed their input thus far.
people confuse me. act. say. do. each different and contradicting. time to just go with the flow..lo que sea. 2 months. goodbye.
time to hit pause? *shrugs*