Went to the Fells Point Festivalyesterday. Had fun, even though I had my usual reaction to large crowds of stupid, slow-moving people. (That is, wanting to bludgeon every sodding Jersey Shore-wannabe d-bag and all the other assorted idiots who crossed my path moving at about .01 miles per hour, or stopped in front of us for no good goddamn reason, or gathered in a group of a dozen or so in the middle of the road or sidewalk so that people could not bloody get by.)
I found some cool stuff, like an OTF knife/lighter for $2. It doesn't do either thing particularly well, but is shiny silver and was cheap and I have to admit I am a bit of a magpie, so it's going into my collection. ("Collection", of course being a euphemism for "Coleman toolbox full of assorted kinds of knives and a handfull of railroad spikes".) ...What? I like knives. (I apologise for possibly sounding more like a moron than usual. I'm kinda tired. I also found this awesome little doll-sized flintolck pistol capgun that's meant to be a keychain. That's going to Finn. It cost me $3, but I liked it so I got it. The guy I got if rom had three other cap gun keychains that I wanted, but wanted to charge me twenty bucks for them, the one I got and the knife/lighter. I said, in a polite manner Hell. Fucking. No. I got home and found the same things online for a dollar eight, so I looted the last eleven the site had. Win. :D The boys are going to be happy to ahve new dangerous toys to play with, as am I, despite the distinct possibility of someone suffering a potnentially fatal, or at least inconvenient wound. (How they will injure each otehr with cap guns I do not really know, though pistol-whipping of one or more of them by one or more of the others seems likely.) Note to self: Do NOT let Sean and Seamus try to duel. I do not need a couple of vampires whining about bullet wounds.
The site ifound them on, by the way, is here:
http://www.zymetrical.com/cap-gun-keychains-p-1076.htmlNo idea if/when they might restock, but these things are v.v. cool. :3
Oh, I also found something else awesome: Cherry Red Doc Martens, made in England (meaning a slightly older pair-judging from the box, they're at least eight or nine years old), brand new for $45. :D:D:D They're a little tight unfortunately (because I am a bleeding moron sometimes and didn't think to try them on before I bought them, I just saw them, saw that they were more or less my size and went *grabby hands* at them), but they're sitting in my freezer right now with bags full of water in them in an attempt to stretch them a little. (Evidently, it's fairly good way of stretching out slightly too small shoes-the water freezes into ice, the ice of course expands, the expanding of said ice stretches out the shoes. Thanks, internet! <3 :D)
EDIT: NOThing's gonna make these things fit right. *sadness* Anyone know someone who'd be interested in Size 3 cherry red Docs?
Alsoalso; I got the new volume of Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, which was as awesome as it always is.
Had some lunch while at the festival. Wood-fired brick oven pizza is quite possibly one of the best foods on the planet, epecially when it involves barbecue chicken and shrimp as toppings. Omnomnomnom Oh, and can I just say that whoever invented MozzArepas is a bloody genius? Mozzarella cheese+corn cakes=tasty, tasty win! :D
Oh, and I went to a baby shower today with my mum (it was for someone who works at the hotel she works at). I had about as much fun as you'd expect me to have at something like that. I swear sometimes I think my girl genes are screwed up or something. >< I kind of spent the whole time lurking in a corner away from everyone, reading my new volume of Kurosagi.
Argh, tired. Off to read MarkReadsHArryPotter and then to bed.