's been kind of a WTF day and however many hours:
Early yesterday morning some kid got shot on the corner of my street over, of all things, a dirt bike. o.o Luckily it was down at the far end, but still, WTF? also, someone randomly broke into the house of someone my mother and grandmother know and beat the crap out of them. Even more WTF there.
Then I saw Cleolinda's LJ post about the sexifiying of what have got to be some of the most random characters ever. How do Sexy Elmo (yes, really D:), sexy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, sexy V (as in V for Vendetta e.e), serial killers sound to you? Yes, *really*. :/ Jason Vorhees, Freddy Kreuger, Chucky and Leatherface as "sexy" adult costumess. Yeah, cos those guys are just so hawt that a tiny character themed minidress is exactly what I wanna go out in. Also, where are the "sexy" guy costumes? ...Shit, now I've got a mental image of Man-Faye.D:
Then there was this, an announcement from notdoll for a rerelease of Bleu Citron plus a new edition. It's called "Hot Citron", but overall, the vibe I get is not so much "hot" as "recently lobotomised". Just...what? It's like...a really creepy "sexy" porcelain doll kind of look. Eugh. it bad that I kind of want the head to turn into a vampire? The open mouth would be perfect for a wicked set of fangs and some dripping blood.
The final bit of WTFery is ZIPPERS! *insert keyboard smash here* Why is it so
bloody difficult to find a few separating zippers in the size and colour I want? I've checked virtually everywhere I can think of including etsy and I'm still pretty much coming up empty. YKK make a metric fuckton of colours, so why the hell doesn't anyone actually sell the sodding things? There's like six colours availabble from most places, and not the shades I need. Even more frustratingly, the one or two places that *do* have zippers in the size and colour I want *only* have them in non-separating. Gah, screw this crap, I've decided that all of the hoodies are getting black zippers. At least I can actually find those.