Do You Know How Hard It Is To Find A Puki Sized Leather Jacket?

Jun 24, 2010 02:11

It is pretty bleedin' hard, let me tell you. :/ About the only leather-ish jackets I have found are on a mini living dead doll...which would be awesome if they weren't rare-ish and at least fifteen bucks each OR a Kelly Grease doll, which is even more. Why His Nibs decided that he must has a jacket NAO, in the middle of a random heat wave, I do not know. Oh, is probably because there is a GRRL! on the way and His Tiny Manliness would like to impress her. Silly boy. XD He is trying to be all Supremely Cool Rude Boy Imp-Man, but he is actually not-so-secretly(figuratively) running around worrying about If She Will Like Him and Is There Enough Enuff Bikkies An' Fizzy Drinks and Will She Like The Trike. (Which, BTW, I hd to modify to his satifaction, because He and His Girl were NOT going to be seen on something with pink/purple flames and a fringe. Because someone who is as small as him is *such* a BAMF that he can't be asociated with such a thing.)It would be anoying if it weren't so cute. Most of the other members of the Menagerie are not as excited. ...I swear I am not as insane as this paragraph makes me sound! XD I know that my dolls are not alive, I promise.

new dollie squee, doll clothes

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