
Jan 17, 2010 23:19

Got my MSC today (thank you very much, amubleu, I have to say, I love this stuff!) and redid Ian's faceup. Since I am laem and silly and gothy, I decided to go through with doing the red and black version of Eric's makeup. This is what the plan for the faceup looked like (ignore the text; those are just my notes to myself for doing the faceup):

This is how it turned out in the end:

I don't think the results are too bad given that this is one of only a handful of faceups I've done. I like the effect the lack of eyebrows has. :) I just can't figure out why the boy looks perpetually pissed off; Wintery '08 is such a sweet sculpt blank, but the minute he's faceupped, wigged and given eyes, I get a facefull of GOTHBOY RAEG. XD

ian, faceups

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