May 02, 2005 20:59
Adam, who lived in a conversation by himself, hallucinated quite a bit that he was an amazing front man, That was just his fever talking and he slowly went back to being sick. He was without his hat and his bangs kept hitting him in the eye. His scraggly excuse for a beard was growing rapidly, and was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. While in bed, Adam had a lot of free time and read a sizable amount of books. The stacked pile when up just below Adams navel. He found it curious that on would have theirs pierced but was not particularly opposed to the idea. The books Adam had read tended to remind him of himself. He became frustrated with their authors and decided to go to sleep for a while. When he woke up, Adams feverish hallucinations became more and more frequent. He on saw in one color that happened to be out of our normal spectrum. He called the color okrabbe. You would hear him rant on the color to the point that you wanted to scream, but that would only worsen his condition. The new color was described as an orangey blue, which is quite impossible seeing as how orange and blue are complementary colors and when mixed make a dull grey. A muffled gun shot softened by a dense down pillow stained the sheets quite a bit. The books got kicked over and Adam stayed in bed for quite a while.
p.s. Thanks for the ride