7x07 Post Mortem

Nov 10, 2006 16:15

Well here we are boys and girls, it's Friday afternoon random CSI thoughts again !!

I know you love them..........ok well maybe not but I still love torturing you with them anyway !! :D

You know where they are ........as always !!!

  • OMG seriously I thought I was gonna have to break my laptop during the first 5 mins because yet again it appeared that Grissom and Sara were working a f*cking case together again. If they had continued working that case together I was ready to give up and forget all about CSI, because if I am forced to endure that shit every week it just ain't worth it. Anyway TPTB are obviously listening to us because thankfully they brought Catherine in to come between them...............Oh the irony !!
  • OMFG has Marg had a clause written in her contract that says she is only allowed to be in each episode for like 2 mins, because yet again what an awfully crappy amount of Catherine time this week. They seriously had better be building up to one hell of a massive Cath story line (preferably one where she is caught in the cupboard with Wendy !! :P) because if not they will be receiving a strongly worded letter from me about how there needs to be more Cath hotness and less bug loving !!
  • The lack of Cath hotness was made somewhat better by the "OMG just slid off my chair"  moment when I saw the top that she was wearing. T&B looked like they could not wait to come bursting out over the top. TPTB may have been smoking crack this season, but one thing they have gotten sooo right is putting Catherine in the tightest smallest tops they can find.........I give them a gold star for that ! :P
  • *Squeeeeeeeel* OMG did you see that Catherine and Sara moment.Ok Ok if you blink you may have missed it but OMG it totally restored my faith in Cara as a couple. They are sooo f*cking good together not only is the room filled with total unresolved hot sexual tension they are actually bloody fantastic at working together ................Oh will the bugman just like please leave Sara alone and let her be with the person she deserves to be with !
  • Sara took a picture of Tom & Bob.....................OMG she sooo did. I mean she pretended she was taking a picture of evidence but she was totally checking out the boys instead !!
  • I saw a look between GSR that I did not like,and they really  were doing so well. I really thought they could go a whole episode without acting like a couple of love sick retards, but apparently not. Stop screwing each other with your eyes, no-one (apart from GSR fangurls!!) wants to see that !!
  • Awww poor baby Greg, I felt soo sorry for him when he was at the trial/inquest. I wanted to bitch slap that judge up side the head when he started going on at Greg for having like one drink 7 whole hours before the event,what a total p*ick !!!
  • OMG uber hard ass dyke Sofia made an appearance again. I love the way she was talking to Greg but who would argue with that girl.........not me that's for sure, she totally scared me, in a really hot and sexy way !
  • Aww sweet Warrick/Nick moment when they wanted to help Greg !
  • Hodges dancing was awesome.................I love Hodges !!
  • No Sexy-Wendy....................Disappointing !!!
  • Greg getting served................WTF ??
  • And please do not drag this storyline over two many episodes. 2 is good, 3 is just about tolerable, 4 or more will be a piss take............Although I guess the longer it goes on the more chances Grissom and Sara have to work together and act like a couple of twats for the whole day.....and we obviously need more of that now don't we *rollseyes*
Anyway what am I gonna give this weeks episode.Well lets see it  gets 4 points for having T&B on display and 2 points for a cute and sexy Cara moment, 1  point for hodges dancing and 1 point for super cute Greg.

It losses 1 point for that look between GSR and another point just because Catherine was not in it anywhere close to as much as I would like it !!

So a 6 out of 10 this week I believe. :)

I did not feel sick after watching this week so maybe they are listening to me, but they are still just on the edge with the GRS stuff so lets give it one more week before we pass judgment.


sara, tom&bob, sofia, csr, catherine, gsr, csi

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