Back from No-where

Nov 14, 2010 10:59

I have decided to start using my LJ account again..... I used to love updating this thing and then I sort of drifted away from it....but now I want to start up again, even if the only person who reads this is me :)

I wanted to start writing in here again to mark the love of my new found Fandom, which I only found 38 days ago and I have already fallen head over heels for.

On the 6th October I was bored sat at home from a day at work and sick of watching the same shows over and over again so I went to a torrent site and just read through the list to try and find a show I hadn't seen before. I saw Law and Order SVU on the list, I knew it was a show I had always wanted to watch but never gotten around to it so I thought what the hell and downloaded and watched the first episode of Season 12.......Hmm very bad idea, very bad idea indeed !!

Here I am 38 days later and in those last 38 days I have managed to watch all 256 episodes of SVU from start to finish right through from Season 1 to Season 12, watching on average 7 episodes a day. I don't know about anyone else but I am pretty damn impressed with that, 12 years worth of a TV show in just over a month......that takes some special sort of skill !! lmao

I just couldn't put it down, it was like an obsession, one episode had to follow another, I was desperate to find out what happened in the next story, my life became overtook by it !!

It does also help that it has the delicious eye candy of Olivia Benson, Alex Cabot and Casey Novak in it......I have quite decided if my one true paring from these lot are Olivia/Alex or Olivia/Casey but I am leaning more towards Olivia/Casey purely because of Diane Neal's utter hotness......anyway that's another issue I will deal with in another post, today I just wanted to open my LJ back up again, and share my love of SVU in my tiny little world

Over and out

Sarah xx

l&o svu

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