Ahhhh. I want to cosplay. Also, I'd forgotten how much I hate cosplayers and the new wave. What an odd combination of things to say! Dev convinced me to go to a photoshoot which I had fun at, we did Alice in Wonderland, I was the caterpillar. I had a hookah, which I even bothered to light up with some non-tobacco tobacco. It took forever and everyone watched and was all "what's it suppose to do?". PFT. It made me laugh, those silly people who kept asking if it was legal. Good times.
PIC On a slightly different note, there's this guy that comes into the coffee shop who looks exactly like Greed from FMA. Down the shape of his face, teeth, the color and style of his hair and the clothes he wears (all black with a jacket with fur one the hood). It scares me a little, he could walk onto a convention sight and people would think he was cosplaying. I mentioned this fact to a coworker and he shunned me. We then went on to talk about anime and for some reason I ended up making a list of all the animes I've seen which runs at about 40. I have no live it seems.
Cosplays for the season:
Monster Hunter Armour
Medabots: Phantom Renegade
Ultimate X-Men: Rogue
Hopefully I have the money for all three.