Sep 13, 2005 23:02
Bah, what a selection of days!!
Just came back last night from a wonderful long weekend in cornwall! Main purpose of the visit was for baby Ceilidh's christening, which was strange as no-one in the family are particularly religious, but Ceilidh seemed to love it so all went well! (she laughed and said hello to the vicar guy). We took the 6:30pm train on friday so didnt get to Ross's parents house till gone 11, stayed up till 2am with his mum, dad n nan (who now lives there since her husband passed away in feb) nattering away about silly stuff! Then saturday was spent visiting Ross's sister Jenna and her other half Barry, n seeing the kids, Brogan, Kieran and lil Ceilidh. She loved ross's inverted cross, kept trying to eat it! Its amazing how dribbly babies can be, where does it all come from????
But yes, that was a wonderful afternoon! Then went back to Ross's parents place for dinner and films. Watched AVP, which Ross's mum loved, then we were all put through the horror that was the recent film adaptation of 'The Phantom of the Opera' which Ross had been told was NOT a musical (lies, all LIES!!!)
But it wasnt so bad, cus me n mrs ross had a bottle of wine each to ourselves, plus mr ross had given me a good strong helping of Captain Morgans and coke, so we ended up jsut giggling anyway!
Then Sunday was lovely, the christening. After the actual christening, we all went to a nearby pub for the party, where we were joined by Ross's dads morris team. It was wicked, everyone got drunk and giggly, lots of folky songs going on, guitars and melodians everywhere, and Ceilidh slept through the lot of it!! Aww!!
I think ive actualy had an overdose of cuteness attack this weekend, i wanted to take her home! We could have watched her for hours trying to bite into her helium filled balloon then try to make it fly! I have a video of her on my phone trying to munch on ross's arm, shes now been nick-named 'Chaotic Cannibal Ceilidh, the Demolition Daughter'!!
Okay, okay, enough baby talk now...but yes, very fun, drunken, cute, enjoyable weekend. Ivebrought home much mead wine and mead liquer so yay for more cornish merriness!!
In other news...i didnt pass my final probation review at work, so i have been moved to the stinky pikey west street store opposite primark for a month to improve on my weaknesses. Pissed me off a little, as the main reasoning for the managers concern was that i was too polite and friendly to the customers, wasnt confident enough to stand my ground, and i came in to work one day last week so upset and in flood of tears, that it disrupted his working team and created too much of an awkward atmosphere. Forgetting of course that i was IN FLOODS OF TEARS UNABLE TO CONTROL MYSELF AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN SENT HOME!!!!!!!
oh yes...and if i dont pass this next months review, i get fired and im jobless, jsut as the xmas temp jobs get filled up, and i am royally screwed.
Oh, and one more thing. Two students from my old school, the school my brother still goes to, were murdered on sunday. One stabbed in the throat!! What the hell is going on on this goddamn planet?? Its fucking wokingham! A school netball team making it to County or Country competitions is big news, not murders! I havent been able to find out any names yet, so i dont even know if i know these two boys, or this 18 yr old man whos been arrested.
But yes, after all that, i AM feeling better about me and Ross. He's been lovely all weekend, and he's my boyfriend again, so in my brain im mostly happy! And im planning a trip to Holland/Belgium at the end of this month to see my nan, just me n mum, which will be good! Chance to bring back a good job lot of booze aswell, for both of us!! Might make some sloe gin or blackberry vodka or something...or maybe look into how to make some mead...mmmmmmmmmmm
...that is all...rant over...