I was inspired by a string of youtube videos to post this. Basically it's a list of 50 things you've done in your life that people may or may not know; they can be serious, funny or just down right daft.
1. I have stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon.
2. I have run up a down escalator... and have the scars on my knee to prove it.
3. I've been to Disneyworld in Florida seven times.
4. I've cheated on a test.
5. I have travelled from the North of Scotland to London on a bus twice.
6. I have gone through a hardcore "goth" phase.
7. I've seen my favourite musical theatre actress (Idina Menzel) play my favourite character (Elphaba) in my favourite musical (Wicked).
8. I've stood outside a book shop for over seven hours waiting for midnight so I could purchase Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
9. I've stood on a nail, which went right through my foot.
10. I've stood less than three feet away from the lead singer of my favourite band and burst into tears.
11. I've been to a music festival.
12. I've been in love :)
13. I've watched The Breakfast Club so many times I can recite the dialogue from the first 20 minutes of the movie by heart.
14. I've come top of the class in Higher English.
15. I've had a poem published in a book.
16. I have asked someone, in all seriousness: "which continent is India in, Europe?" *is ashamed*!
17. I've lied to get myself out of trouble.
18. I've sung in front of the First Minister of Scotland.
19. I've told the First Minister of Scotland that I once dreamt that he tried to kill me...
20. I've had an in depth conversation about a book I've never read, whilst pretending I had read it.
21. I won a Rotary club school quiz when I was 11.
22. I've dyed my hair purple.
23. I've had my foot run over by a car twice and never so much as bruised.
24. I've been in The Wizard of Oz on stage :)
25. I've spent an entire day in my pyjamas more than once.
26.I've lived in Edinburgh for 6 weeks whilst working in a small publishing house.
27. I've stood on top of the Empire State Building.
28. I've stayed up all night reading a book.
29. I've completed the video game Kingdom Hearts II.
30. I've filled a Pokedex in one of the Nintendo Pokemon games.
31. I've been bullied.
32. I've listened to the same song on repeat for over three hours.
33. I've gone on a night out with friends wearing a purple, velvet bowtie just for the craic.
34. I've had the same best friend for over 12 years.
35. I've caught a flower thrown off the stage by Mark Oliver Everett and I still have it pressed inside a frame.
36.I learned to play the saxophone for a year than gave up because I didn't like my teacher.
37. I've seen 8 musicals in the West End and 3 on Broadway.
38. I've been to see the same movie in the cinema over five times.
39. I've shouted inappropriate comments at a famous actor.
40. I've seen Orlando Bloom in the flesh but was too star struck to say anything.
41. I've been in the same room as Stephen Fry and Alan Davies!
42. I've had a crush on David Bowie since I was 4 years old.
43. I've been on a boat in a river that was populated by over 1000 crocodiles.
44. I've seen a bald eagle in the wild.
45. I've stayed up all night finishing a piece of coursework.
46. I've touched a teapot that John Barrowman, Burn Gorman and Rowan Atkinson have subsequently touched.
47. I've phoned in sick to work just so I could spend an evening playing games with my boyfiend.
48. I've met people in real life who I originally met online.
49. I've been in Al Capone's Alcatraz cell.
50. I've left home for ever.
Hope that was enlightening, haha. I certainly enjoyed procrastinating with it :)