
May 21, 2009 13:48

I'm putting off cleaning my room...

Ten things I wish I could say to ten different people.
10. Sometimes you're a bit selfish...
9. I wish you could have realised your potential.
8. Stop pretending you don't know you're amazing.
7. Stop lying about everything. Nobody knows who you are.
6. I love you :)
5. I think you're being led astray, don't be afraid to just be yourself.
4. You have unrealistic expectations of life.
3. Grow up. 
2. Snape, Snape, Severus Snape...
1. I am jealous of you.

Nine things about myself:
9. I love life.
8. I'm terrified of fourth year.
7. I had Supernoodles for lunch.
6. It's my birthday next week!
5. I am in love.
4. I actually have a crush on Helena Bonham Carter.
3. I'm stuendously lazy!
2. I love watching award ceremonies.
1. I don't think I'll ever get bored of Harry Potter.

Eight ways to win my heart.
8. Make me laugh! :)
7. Be honest.
6. Be loyal.
5.Have very little ego.
4. Give me hugs :)
3. Accept who I am.
2. Embrace who you are..
1. Listen :)

Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
7. Ewan.
6. The future.
5. My friends.
4. My family.
3. Uni.
2. Work.
1. People I've not seen for ages.

Six things I do before I fall asleep:
6. Check my emails.
5. Change into my jammies.
4. Go for a wee.
3. Text Ewan.
2. Take off my jewellery.
1. Say goodnight :).

Five people who mean a lot. (in no order whatsoever)
5. Ewan
4. Granny
3. Granda
2. Nana
1. Mum

Four things you're wearing right now.
4. David Bowie Tshirt.
3. Joggers.
2. A bra.
1. Pants.

Three songs that you listen to often.
3. The Weepies | Painting by Chagall.
2. Eels | Ant Farm
1. The Moldy Peaches | Anyone Else But You

Two things you want to do before you die.
2. Have a happy family.
1. Be successful in whatever field of work I'm in.

One confession.
1. I'm a massivee fan of Girls Aloud.

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