Aug 07, 2008 21:03
The young demon hunter would not let go. Adrac scuttled and slipped world to world to world, and still the hunter would not give up. Foolish thing- the older one had told it to, yet it still held on. Unfortunately, it was all hung about with protections that even Adrac could see, glowing, cracking and poisonous to him.
Very well, then. Time to try to appeal to the hunter's fear and common sense.
"Why don't you let go?" Better than being dragged further- Adrac could travel like this for days.
"No, I'm damned if I shall!"
So much for that. Adrac snarled back at the hunter as the worlds continued to slip by, teeth and claws bared, power flaring.
"I shall suck your blood. I'll take your mind away!" A bluff, yes, but-
"You can't, not with this wire." Came the stubborn answer.
"We'll take a plunge into the spirit world then, and you'll be at my mercy there!"
No reply from the hunter as the kid called his bluff. Frustrated, Adrac snarled. Damn hunters, damn Shen, damn protections. This was getting tedious, annoying- and why should he, Adrac, have to deal with it? There were rules about this.
"I'll give you one last chance- Will you let go, or shall I see what They can do to you?"
"No." Resolutely.
"Right, then!" With a grin, Adrac dived- not between worlds, but to elsewhere...