
Jan 23, 2011 22:45

Characters: Everyone!
Setting/Location: Fort Hood
Date & Time: Day 48, one hour until sunrise.
Warnings: Violence! Language?
Summary: The Battle begins! Werewolves, Koda has asked you to return to the Fort as a "favor" - problem is, with the moon as full as it is now, you'll turn almost immediately as you leave the cover of the forest - directly ( Read more... )

#style: action, apollo, gabe weller, guinevere, !event, ariadne, finn hudson, anathema device, heine rammsteiner, arthur, !narrator, cassandra of troy, *day 48, bret mcclegnie, #style: prose, rookie, gau meguro, zhou yu, jack harkness

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I have godmod permission >.> whatsacliche January 26 2011, 19:17:07 UTC
[Finn's done his very best to not eat anybody. Because, seriously, he's strong and big, he can probably last a couple days without eating, right?

Except it feels like his stomach is caving in and there's like, mosquitoes biting the inside of his skull and just behind his eyes and-- he only ate a little blood so this has to be that hunger people were talking about and God, he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to.

So you can imagine his horror when he spots Kurt, his friend, and he just-- he can't help but-- he has to...

One second he's a football field away, the second he's got his teeth buried in Kurt's neck and that's it, there it goes.

He's not human anymore.]


Ack. I hope this is okay? *WITHERS AT YOUR GODMODE TOUCH* If not, I-I'll leave. >///>) justice_by_coma January 29 2011, 21:05:48 UTC
[There are lights everywhere. Gau's been slinking around in the shadows of the forest--though it probably takes more than a hat over his hair to hide him in this case.

He's been hunting and eating animals out in the woods, which...kind of freaks him out because if all that weird vampire stuff he's read has anything to do with it, there are a lot of really weird overtones to this, and he's not at all comfortable with...well...

While he might admit to himself that he's got some really pent-in kinkiness, the whole feeding-on is rather bothering him. He's horrified at himself, and the dim meories of hunting, and slitting the throats of doves, mice, rats, holding them up, and draining them--the fur enough to make him want to gag, but it's that, or he'd lose hismelf to hunt humans. Humans that don't smell sour and dry like Yoite. Humans he could actually hurt like this.

But he can smell blood, which cramps and curls in his stomach, and promises to be so warm after how freezing he is-


It easier for him to resist, maybe, because of ( ... )


...D: that was a really good tag. you're good. whatsacliche January 29 2011, 22:31:45 UTC
[Finn can feel Kurt clawing at him, can feel him struggling and terrified. He probably doesn't even know it's him. Kurt's probably just afraid and weak and...

God, he can't stop.

He can sense Gau approaching and before he even realizes what he's doing, he turns, putting himself between him and Kurt. Because this is his. Kurt is his and Gau can't have any. Not a single drop.]


Pff. If I was GOOD, I'd be able to write an action tag that doesn't turn out prosaic and giant. ^^;; justice_by_coma January 29 2011, 23:19:41 UTC
[The smell of the boy's blood hits Gau like a punch in the stomach, but he turns his face away and resists, with disgust as profound as the hunger.

Leftovers were one thing, but not like this.
Never like this.

He leaps and catches Finn around the waist with an arm- not thinking, still not thinking except that someone innocent is between them, and Finn can't be stuck in this place, can't be stuck as a monster.

He can't let him kill someone. If he kills someone-]

Stop it!

[He punches him ineffectively, claws at his arms, kicks, anything he can to to unlock Finn from the thrashing human between them. The warmth of the living boy's arm brushing his is almost agonizing, and Finn's skin is warmer than his own already.

That realization makes him fight harder, though being a vampire makes Gau faster, he's no stronger than he normally is, though he manages to pull enough strength in to knock them to the ground, still trying to come between Finn and the boy he doesn't recognize.]

You have to stop it! You'll kill him! Finn-san!

[-It's ( ... )


BUT IT WAS STILL GOOD OKAY (also, he's only unconscious >.>) whatsacliche January 30 2011, 01:00:03 UTC
[Finn growls, thrashing and shaking his attacker off, glaring back at him.

...At Gau.

His stomach isn't clenching anymore. Gau doesn't look like an enemy, he's just...Gau.

And Kurt isn't moving.]

Shit. Shit.

[Finn shakes him, mind blank, unable to think.]

Kurt, wake up.


WHY DO YOU SAY THESE THIIIINGS ("He's not dead, he's only sleeping" Right. XD) justice_by_coma January 30 2011, 02:00:35 UTC
[Gau's nostrils flare, filled with blood, and the smell of dirt, and...people being shot, if he listens, and sizzled with beams of light.

He pants out of habit.


This is Hummel-san.

He remembers that name from the caravan. He remembered talking to him--the boy with the high voice. He'd left him food during the costume event, and he'd talked to him on and off.

Finn's friend.
Finn had put himself through humiliation to make up to him. He'd been in the process of mortifying himself in that hallway weeks ago when he and Gau had met. He'd done that for "Kurt".

And he'd just started feeding off him.
His friend.

Gau shudders, cold to his core.

The click of his teeth sounds obscene in his ears as he grabs Finn's shoulder, very somber, and very pale.]

We have to go.
They're killing people like us out here.

[He can hear Kurt's heartbeat racing against his lack of blood, and grimaces, reaching for his handkerchief in his bag, pressing it against The boy's neck so the smell of blood doesn't drive him mad. The heat against his ( ... )


whatsacliche January 30 2011, 02:43:17 UTC
[Finn doesn't understand. He doesn't understand how he could have done this, or how Kurt could be so still. He can't think straight, he can't--

Is Gau going to kill himself?!]

What the hell man?!

[As carefully as possible, Finn lowers Kurt to the ground, then turns to Gau.]

You can't kill yourself, man! Don't be crazy, God...


justice_by_coma January 30 2011, 03:33:18 UTC
[He looks abruptly irritated.]

You... you idiot! Why would you think-?

[He lowers the knife so he can glare at you.

They're squabbling like normal human guys, which is comforting, even if this definitely isn't the time, or the place.]

Haven't you ever watched vampire programs? You're supposed to give them your blood, and then...

[he trails off. He's still not sure what the idea is. What Finn wants. If he just intends to leave him there. If he intends...



whatsacliche January 30 2011, 03:38:32 UTC
Oh, are-- are you sure? [Finn's never watched that stuff.]

Maybe I should do it. I mean, I'm the one who--

[Aaand one of the spotlights is turning their way. Crap.]

Uh, Gau, we gotta-- we gotta go. [Point!]


justice_by_coma January 30 2011, 03:52:36 UTC
[He feels the heat, he knows, he looks, and winces, even as his eyes sting, like he's looking at a dazzling patch of bright sunlight-

Oh. he's never going to see the sun again. That bothers him too, now that he thinks about it. Admittedly, much of his wakachi work was nocturnal, but...

He swallows, looks at Kurt.

he's still breathing. He's still-




[He stands, leaving his handkerchief at Kurt's throat.

Making that kind of choice for someone I don't know seems unsavory.]

If we run, and we're careful, we can avoid the lights.
Quick- The woods.

[And he's gone. Running. He does like being able to run so fast, but...

He can't help but look back, and hope Kurt has enough blood.
Oh. He might never see him again.

He's about to say that, when he sees one of the lights turning in front of him, and leaps for cover.]

Finn-san! Be careful!


whatsacliche January 30 2011, 03:56:30 UTC
[Finn knows he has to run. He knows he can't help Kurt if he's burnt to a crisp.

He knows it's his fault.]

Kurt, I'm-- I'm sorry.

[And off he goes, dodging behind a tree just as the light swings over him. The edge of his hand catches just a bit of light and it's as if somebody stuck his pinky into a fire.]



justice_by_coma January 30 2011, 04:18:51 UTC

[It's a hiss from someone safely behind a bush, that much is clear. Gau's busy wrapping his scarf around his face, making himself disappear behind a load of wool until he's nothing but a lump of clothes with two sulking eyes sticking out.

He's watching for patterns. The lights are sent out by hand...they're probably like spotlights. But they need to be driven by a human eye, then...

So a distraction will work just as well. Every eye will turn to whatever draws interest.]

Here, Finn-san!

[And he throws one of his smoke pellets as far as he can in the opposite direction.


Spotlights turn to see what all the fuss is, or if there's a cloud of sudden bats. Gau seizes Finn's arm and runs in the opposite direction, hissing.]

The forest is safe! We can hide behind the trees! Since the weapon is light, we can definitely...

[Oh. He's looking back.
His hand tightens a little on Finn's arm. Gulp.]

It's okay, Finn-san.
There are...animals in the woods.

[Can't quite bring himself to say "I'll kill one for you."]


whatsacliche January 31 2011, 01:22:24 UTC
[Finn leans heavily into a tree, rubbing his face.]

I'm...no. No, thank you.

[Did he just thank him for offering squirrel blood? God.]


justice_by_coma February 2 2011, 17:35:47 UTC
[Gau tugs his arm. They should really be further in before they stop... He looks especially solemn.]

You should at least try to eat something.
So that...you don't end up doing that again.

[He chews his knuckle, licking the blood that wells up, because his bad habit's rather made worse by the addition of predatory teeth.]

There might be people in the woods.

[He's starting to wonder if Yoite's scrap of lifeforce in him is really the thing that lets him feel so conscience-struck whenever he sees or smells human blood. If that's combining with all that latent kinkiness, and justice-heavy duty, and actually giving him an edge. Or...if Finn really was so hungry.

People might be in the forest, looking for their friends, to save them.

They might be stuck with the same problem Finn is, all unwilling.

He holds up his knife, still somber and serious.]

If there are people here, we need to help them.

[He says it so simply... Like they both aren't stuck as bloodsucking dead boys who might never get home now.
He bites his lip, hesitating.] ( ... )


whatsacliche February 2 2011, 19:52:26 UTC
[Finn closes his eyes, shaking his head.]

I'm not hungry.

[Damned if he doesn't feel like he's going to puke when he thinks about what he's full of, though.]

You're right. We should help people. We should help Kurt.

[But he isn't moving. Maybe he's hoping it'll take care of itself.

Maybe he's afraid what he'll find if he goes back.]


justice_by_coma February 3 2011, 05:14:25 UTC
[His hands tighten. He can imagine what that feels like. He's not sure quite why you're so close to Kurt. He only knows him so vaguely after all. You're from the same world, that much he's sure of. That must have been a definite comfort when you came here...

He frowns deeply, noticing your finger, and remembering belatedly he doesn't have something to tie it up in. It...looks like it's healing, though. Maybe he should point that out? No...not in your current state...

He breathes in out of habit, before straightening his spine.]

As one who's responsible for your predicament, and for what's happened between you and your friend, I'll fight by your side without hesitation.

[If he weren't so honor-bent he might have had a more sensible idea like making a distress signal on the net with Kurt's location and sending that to the city officials, but Gau always was one for sacrificing himself in a blaze of glory to bring people what they want.

And when it comes down to it, he'd let Finn blame anything but himself at the moment. And it is ( ... )


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