Scrub a dub dub

Dec 24, 2010 02:05

Characters:Bonnie and whomever
Setting/Location: Showers
Date & Time: Day 39(?)
Warnings: Bonnie's in her unmentionables
Summary: Bonnie decides to take a shower

Bonnie sat on the floor of the shower room, enjoying the feel of the hot water. It was, admittedly, one of the few pleasure that she was able to experience these days. Bonnie barely ate enough to stay sane these days, and she was nearly always hungry--but it was either that or alerting everyone on the caravan that she was a vampire. Sex, she had to admit, was a bad idea in quarters this small. And Bonnie couldn't exactly jump off the caravan and go running through the woods.

And so, she lingered in the shower. At first, flouncing around the communal room in her bra and panties had caused her some embarrassment, but she'd soon gotten over that. It was, after all, no less than a bikini would have been back home. It didn't matter right now anyway--she had the whole shower room to herself.

And so she sang.

"Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand," Bonnie belted as loud as she pleased. "Just like that river twisting through a dusty la-a-and."

After all, home could come and home could go, but Duran Duran was forever.

badou nails, bonnie mccullough, bret mcclegnie

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