lead you on a goose chase [closed]

May 22, 2010 17:47

Characters: Heine Rammsteiner dogsaid, Badou Nails informational and Nill pennated.
Setting/Location: District 1....?
Date & Time: Day 0.
Warnings: Nothing...? Just DOGS cast hangin' out. o/
Summary: Heine goes to get Nill. Badou catches up.

putting on my best face running with a suitcase. )

heine rammsteiner, badou nails, *day 00, nill, #style: prose

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we are the slowest biddies :'< pennated May 23 2010, 19:18:48 UTC
"I swear no matter how much ya sweep them stairs they jus' don't get any cleaner." Big Red bent over the creakiest top step, brushing furiously but only swirling the dirt around and making it worse. Nill pretended she had been listening, throwing a nod and smile over her should. The small, immaculately white wings dipped sadly when she didn't spot either of her friends in the crowd a few feet in front of her. Got too excited again, they would be here soon she was just feeling uncharacteristically impatient today for good reason.

Wandering back to her stump she hopped on top to get a better look at the crowd from above. It was still a whirl of colors but seriously lacking in white and red from what she could tell. With a silent sigh she turned back towards Big Red who was going on about the neighboring Inn now. "An' ya know once they- oh looks lik' we got a guest headed our way, sweet thing."

Nill whirled around, almost slipping off the stump, to spot a tuft of spiky white hair headed her way. Wings instantly perked right back up and though she couldn't call out to get his attention she jumped and almost frantically waved her arm high above her head.


I'M THE WORSTTTT but pre-exam schedule is so hectic i'm sorry ;; dogsaid May 25 2010, 05:17:53 UTC


Heine's eyes caught the movement above the heads of the people as Nill jumped up from her sitting-place, the frantic waving of her arm in his direction serving as a guide as he ducked in between the people and made his way towards the inn. A quick glance at the woman -- big, fussy, chatty; not someone he'd tolerate -- before he looked up at the winged girl.

Somehow reminded him of back at the church, waiting like that. Except this is the furthest place from "home"-- if you could even call it home.

"Nill," he said, and that's all he needs to say.


Dude do not worry yourself it is all good :) crush those exams >:0 pennated May 25 2010, 17:29:04 UTC
She saw him take notice of her and the girl's hear just swelled with something between relief and joy. Going on this crazy trip to Loophole seemed much less scary knowing Heine was here. She hopped down from the stump and bounded right up as he emerged from the stream of people. By now Big Red was curious enough to stop chattering and watch in wary interest.


Nill slowed as she approached, almost cautiously as if he'd disappear any minute. But the sound of her name made it all really and she didn't hesitate any longer. She reached out to gently tug on his hand and beamed right up at Heine, her worries completely fading away


;A; <3 and oh god this is such a short tag........ /runs away dogsaid May 28 2010, 22:37:16 UTC
So, she was here too. The thought was half-comforting, half-worry (he was unused to both, and his chest twisted and tightened like a chain pulling taut around his torso); this was a strange bit of land. How was he to look out for her here? And it wasn't like Bishop was around, either... (but then, not having that guy around might have been the best)

But the corners of his lips pulled up into a quirky half-smile as Nill moved to tug on his hand, the gentle pressure of her fingers making him tighten his grip a little before letting go.

Ah, yeah. Suppose he'd have to get over with the introductions--

"Thanks," he said curtly to the innkeeper, leaning his weight on the back of his feet as he turned his eyes towards her.


no worrying! My tags are short too I am so sorry ;^; pennated June 2 2010, 02:30:04 UTC
It was more than reassuring having Heine around, suddenly being thrust into a new world didn't seem so scary. At the very least this place had no underground city, she wouldn't have to worry about some of the dirty work they always seemed to get in to.

It seemed almost as if her smile could just grow infinitely, she let her hand drop to her side when he let go and seemed to look past Heine for something. Another flash of orange but no Badou, glancing back up to meet his gaze she covered her right eye with one hand and tilted her head to ask: 'Where is Badou?'


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