girl talk!! [closed]

Nov 22, 2010 22:02

Characters: onedayaqueen & lefeys
Setting/Location: Wandering the hallways near the entrance to the rooming towers.
Date & Time: Day 33, Early afternoon?
Warnings: girls bonding. no not the X-Rated kind geez.
Summary: Morgana and Gwen have some catching up to do or something.

Gwen found herself strolling along the caravan, not really paying too much attention as she walked. She'd gotten a bit used to it, and for the most part, was beginning to know her way around. Even if she'd much rather be home, at least there was some familiarity in faces and beds to sleep in. She was careful to avoid getting in the way of other people walking by, stepping out of their way as they came closer, or moving off to the side.

She'd been lying low all morning, having surreptitiously stuffed her face with food yesterday (she didn't understand why, because she was never a glutton for eating so much). But it was embarrassing to think about, so she was just going to pretend it never happened. The fact that it was a widespread occurrence across the caravan was only a small comfort.

Quite suddenly, she wondered how Morgana was adjusting. She'd spoken with Arthur more often, so she'd been more worried for her mistress. Of course she'd be all right though, Gwen thought, because she always was.

Stopping at a railing, she looked over the edge, fingers lightly holding on. At the very least, she could people watch.

morgana, *day 33, guinevere, #style: prose

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