
Nov 21, 2010 11:02

Characters: Ty Lee and anyone else who immediately rushes to the kitchens thanks to this event
Setting/Location: the caravan's kitchen
Date & Time: Day 32, mid-morning
Warnings: none so far
Summary: People try to cook. Hilarity ensues?

The fact that she didn't really know how to cook didn't deter her in the slightest. )

ty lee, gau meguro, amelia pond, *day 32, #style: prose

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Well he practically lives in the kitchen, so... ^^;; Uhm. Sorry if you wanted someone else? justice_by_coma November 21 2010, 21:47:36 UTC
Gau immediately stopped what he was doing upon seeing a girl run in. He'd been baking non-stop as ever, and...sampling rather more than usual, which wasn't like him.

(Probably a growth spurt. That was exciting enough as a thought. Maybe he'd be as tall as Raikou, finally!)

But he went instantly quiet, embarrassed.

A girl in the kitchen...

He'd never seen Ty Lee face to face before, so that just made it more nerve-wracking watching a confident girl run through the door and start taking things out with enthusiasm. He ducked back as much as he could, bowls and pans still out all over the tables.

If she noticed she might laugh at him, never mind the usefulness of his hobby. It would be no good explaining Yoite's appetite to someone like her.


What was she doing?

Gau's natural curisotiy was still open to the idea that a girl might actually want to cook,a nd might not laugh, which would open up all sorts of wonderful possibilities in his desperate little sixteen-year-old mind.

...What was she making?


nope; it's open for a reason! :D I'm glad for anyone to reply beatsupboys November 22 2010, 17:20:48 UTC
Ty Lee turned, giving him a sunny smile. "Oh, hi! You don't mind me cooking here too, right? I think it's definitely big enough for two!"


:D Okay! *isn't sure of conventions for this kind of thing* So...anyone who wants to? Jump in~~~ justice_by_coma November 22 2010, 20:17:58 UTC

Gau flushed hotly. He was used to being far more invisible than all that. After all, he was a skinny teenage guy no taller than a woman, trying not to be seen, bug-eyes peering over the counter. He stood straight guiltily, then realized he looked guilty and puffed out his sunken chest.

"Of course it's big enough!"

He tried to look like he grasped the situation-which he didn't. He was confused, and...oh, he had a horrible urge to cram another cookie in his mouth, but couldn't because that would be rude in a conversation.

Not that what he'd said came out as particularly polite. He flushed harder, and tried not to stare at the girl's midriff. (Wasn't she cold?! What was she walking around like that for?!)

If there was one thing that could make that more awkward, it would be staring at the girl's midriff while he talked to her.

She was sure cheerful and...pink

"Th-That is-"


This was no time to be bashful around women. THINK, GAU!

"What are you trying to make? I have some cookies I just finished..."


yup! if it's marked as open, then anyone can join beatsupboys November 22 2010, 21:22:04 UTC
"Um..." That was a good question. What was she trying to make? She didn't know any recipes, but she was hungry enough that she was willing to just throw a bunch of interesting-sounding ingredients together and eat it if it turned out okay (and probably even if it didn't).

"I'm not sure! Cookies sound good, though. For right now, I mean. Do you think I could have a couple? Then you could show me how to make something else and you could have some of that, too!" If he knew how to make cookies, that meant he knew how to make other things, right? She hoped he did, at least.


Uh. Yeah. I was just sort of...uhm. Inviting them. In a hippie-way or something. >///> justice_by_coma November 22 2010, 21:36:20 UTC

This was more familiar territory.

Teaching girls how to cook, and feeding them, too? This was more than acceptable. Gau, was, after all, something of a housewife in a sense.

Rather, in a less flattering light, it could be said that he looked rather...well...like all the hobbies should add up to something. Especially given the general annoying hovering, and vociferous praise.

Gau could cook.
Gau could clean--a fact at least two people on the caravan knew rather well already considering Serah Farron had walked in on him scrubbing and polishing the brasswork in the showers, and Rookie had apparently been so astonished at seeing someone there that he'd lashed out assuming it was an alien onslaught. (Which was a misunderstanding anyone could have made, in Gau's mind, because he liked Rookie, and that was pretty much a free pass for anyone.)

Gau was the sort of person who knew all the safety regulations for any given kitchen, and actually kept a well-cared-for fire extinguisher.

And he ironed everything, down to the socks and ( ... )


haaaa XD either way is allowed, I think beatsupboys November 22 2010, 21:40:12 UTC
"Thank you!" Ty Lee rushed over and, in a very unladylike manner, began chowing down on the cookies.

Once her mouth wasn't quite so full and she was able to talk without just mumbling and spewing crumbs everywhere, she turned back to look at him. "I don't know, what do you want to make? I'm just really, really hungry; I'll eat anything!"

Though her laid-back, go-with-the-flow attitude meant that she really would be okay with pretty much anything he chose, she hoped they'd decide soon. Cookies were okay, but she wanted something-- anything-- more filling.

"Do you know how to make any meals? Like, big things?"


One can hope. All this come hither commune business of mine will be for naught otherwise... *cough* justice_by_coma November 22 2010, 21:49:06 UTC
He blinked, startled by her appetite, then...well... pleased.
It wasn't ladylike, maybe, but it was definitely enthusiastic, so she had to like them, right?

And food was something he could certainly fix!

"Big things?" He chewed his knuckle pensively, looking around. "Well supplies have been altered since that big feast at the last town. Making something big just for ourselves..." He'd die before he admitted that his expertise was with Japanese-style cooking and msot of his crossover-food was in pastries.

"If you're hungry, then making something quick would be desirable for..." He paused. He didn't know her name, he realized.

"For...you, miss."

His stomach gave another sad gurgle.

No, he could ignore it! He'd eaten enough, and he knew it! And he certainly wouldn't be so rude as to snatch back food after giving it to...to this girl!

"Uhh..what do you like to eat?" He had to do something. He couldn't just sit there hugging a pan to his chest ( ... )


beatsupboys November 24 2010, 18:39:21 UTC
He did have a point, though it was still a little hard to decide between making a big meal and having to wait for it, and making something smaller and quicker and being able to eat it right away. Why did everything substantial have to take so long to make? Cooking was really annoying like that, Ty Lee decided.

Still, in the end, instant gratification won out.

"Maybe we could make some rice? That's pretty easy, and it doesn't usually take very long to cook, right?" She paused. "And if we're really hungry, then we can make a lot of rice!"


justice_by_coma November 24 2010, 22:49:30 UTC
"Rice!" Gau exclaimed. "I miss having rice! It's so difficult to make a proper meal here without rice and soy sauce..." he sighed, like someone finally understood his plight. "It's mostly just potatoes and western foods like that, as far as I've seen. Even finding chocolate was something difficult until the town where people turned into children..." he frowned a moment, then pulled out a notebook bulging with papers, photographs, hair samples, and enough organizational tags to make a minister's bible blush ( ... )


beatsupboys November 26 2010, 20:11:35 UTC
Ty Lee nodded emphatically. "Yeah! We eat rice and sauce and spicy things all the time at home, but everything here tastes so bland, you know?" If she noticed his grumbling stomach, she didn't comment. "Let's make rice! It'll be fast, and it'll taste good and remind us of home."

She moved over to the refrigerator, starting to take out ingredients. "Hey, so how long have you been here anyway? I mean in total. It's been over a month for me!"


Sorry I vanished over the break like that. ^^;; justice_by_coma November 30 2010, 02:31:04 UTC
Gau opened his mouth to protest, to say something about the small quantity of rice, and how it probably should be spared, and saved, and rationed, but...she already had out the rice, and he was thinking of home...

Raikou ate breakfast like a traditional, upright Japanese Samurai any day that he didn't binge on luridly dyed breakfast cereals.

Miso Soup, sweaweed, green tea, rice...

His shoulders relaxed just the tiniest bit as his belly gave another pathetic gurgle.

Hhhhng. Why was it so hard to resist? It wasn't like he would starve. Ugh...

"Well...I guess it would be alright to indulge on the stores of rice this time..." He mumbled, fiddling with his notebook.

He focused on what she said rather than on the swinging braid against her back (long dark hair, how traditional!) or the fact he couldn't quite place her accent. It did sound familiar. She wasn't chinese was she? He fought the urge to look through his book. It would look weird if he just started fumbling through pages to try to figure out what a girl's name was ( ... )


and sorry I'm answering this almost a month late! I'm slow all over the place lately beatsupboys December 24 2010, 01:17:52 UTC
"Thanks!" she said cheerily, taking it from his hand. "I'm not straining myself, though! I'm used to being really active, and staying cooped up inside the caravan so much is really weird for me!"

Going over to the sink, she started filling the pot with water. She didn't really know how much was needed for rice-- was she supposed to use a measuring cup or something?-- but improvising was completely okay with her.

"I'm pretty sure I was in the first group to come here..." she continued thoughtfully. "I mean, I remember talking to a lot of people and no one else knew where we were! And we had to wait a few days for the caravan to come for us because it was off doing something else."


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