Incomplete, Open

Nov 10, 2010 04:37

Characters: dislimb, brb_napping
Setting/Location: Outside the caravan, but in close walking distance.
Date & Time: Day 30, early morning.
Warnings: None so far.
Summary: Cripple-soldiers unite! Rookie's re-training McNeill in the use of firearms as promised.

After the group's return from the last town, the Rookie had tried to make up a bit for the shifts he had missed. Having left so soon after having been assigned this shift, he felt somewhat guilty towards Sergeant Weller. Technically not his own superior as they weren't part of the same army, he still felt responsibility not to disappoint the sergeant, after having seen how much energy the man put into the security of the caravan. It was admirable, and the same did, of course, apply to Sergeant McNeill.

Thinking of McNeill and his injury, the Rookie felt uneasy. He'd dealt with war injuries, too, but nothing like what McNeill was experiencing. Missing a hand and having to be re-trained and re-adjust his whole life - the Rookie had sympathy for him, and an undeniable admiration. That was the reason, more than anything, why he wanted to help him in some way at least. If it hadn't been for people helping him in New Jerusalem, he wouldn't be here at all, after all.

When he left the caravan, the air outside was still cool and misty. He had brought an armful of bottles he had found at the bar, and - of course - his weapons. After what had happened with Arthur, he didn't leave them anywhere lying around any more. While he was waiting for McNeill, he began to set the bottles up as targets.

nathan mcneill, *day 30, rookie

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