fingerprinted, waiting for the train. [CLOSED;INCOMPLETE]

Nov 09, 2010 00:05

Characters: Amy (dreamedofspace) & Arthur (specificities)
Setting/Location: Training Room
Date & Time: Day 28 & nighttime. Ish.
Warnings: Arthur in a train costume is warning enough.
Summary: Amy goes off to meet Arthur (for the first time omg) in his train costume while she shows off her police uniform. Yes, she's quite comfortable in it.

Amy had made a fuss about waking up and not changing, but maybe she should have made it clear she meant her clothes as well. To be honest, she didn't mind. Being back in a police costume almost made her think she'd just fallen asleep and everything had been a great big dream. The Caravan was quick to remind her that it definitely wasn't. Or if it was, then she was still sleeping.

The costume was a bit different with a few unnoticeable alterations, only apparent to her, but it didn't stop her from strutting around like she was born in the thing. And that's exactly how she made her way to the training room. She'd actually never been there before, so it took her a few wrong turns before finally finding it. Probably could've done with a map, but Amy was excited. Just a bit. The guy never did anything but text. She didn't even know what he looked like!

Well, she'd certainly find out now as she peeked her head into the room.

"Oi, train boy."

arthur, amelia pond

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