"you are innocent as a bathtub full of bullets." [Closed]

Oct 17, 2010 00:13

Characters: Gau Meguro justice_by_coma and Raikou Shimizu whitegamon {CLOSED]
Setting/Location: Just outside the caravan, and after a while, in the kitchen hustling chocolate.
Date & Time: Day 23, sometime after Raikou's amazing interweb cats-cradle.
Warnings: Uhh....chibi sadistic swordsman? Probably some shota domestic abuse (because it's Raikou and Gau...), and possibly DEATH BY CHOCOLATE.
Summary: Gau meets up with his mini-version samurai-best-friend-idol-person bearing trans-dimensional sunblock, the promise of pastries, and unnecessary advice, summarily attempting to drag Raikou inside the caravan where there's apparently REAL food that doesn't make your pancreas explode...

There's no grace to it, he just barrels out of the caravan at full steam, still shouting periodically into his junogam, reassured by the text that keeps appearing back. Raikou's fine, he attempts to reassure himself. And besides! Anything that would dare to try to attack Raikou, even at the age of ten would certainly be sorry, right? Nothing could possibly be a match for Raikou's superior skill! And being a child would only make him harder to hit!

...Oh God if something hit Raikou...

He exploded out into the sunlight, hit by the staggering wave of heat the moment he did so. (God, he hated this place.)

He'd die before he'd let Raikou be set upon by desert beasts, sunlight, disorganization, or even skimpily dressed women in his vulnerable state!

"RAIKOU-SAN?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Gau bellowed out into the baking air, holding his junogam like it could actually damage something.

See if anything came after them both while he was around!
It was up to him now, as the adult, or...close to-an-adult.

gau meguro, !style: prose, *day 23, raikou shimizu

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