[ closed / incomplete ]

Oct 11, 2010 22:32

Characters: specificities & forgedindreams
Setting/Location: The town of Lere'unfru, outside one of the candy shops.
Date & Time: Day 23, early afternoon.
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Adult Arthur and tiny baby Eames meet up.

Arthur wasn't particularly sure what to make of the situation. Eames had been here before, that much Arthur had known - hard to miss, considering their first interaction here had involved utilizing a heavy branch as a weapon and getting poison ivy - but the Eames he'd spoken to on the network didn't seem to recall it. It seemed an impossible thought - both he and Eames had been trained to recall the details of dreams. It wasn't something you just forgot. Unless, though this seemed just as unlikely, he had projected Eames to begin with. Arthur was no longer familiar with the parameters and rules of the dreaming world. He should be awake by now, or in limbo, or dead - but the gunshot to the head that he recalled so clearly had seemed to have no effect. He'd woken up in some portion of the caravan he hadn't seen before, with no clothes and covered in a thin film of something wax-like. His head had been tender and was suffering a huge migraine, but other than that he'd been unscathed - like it'd never happened in the first place.

It was scorching hot outside. Beads of sweat dotted his hairline and uncomfortably rolled down the back of his neck, but the only effort he'd made to combat the heat had included forgoing the waistcoat and rolling up the thin sleeves of his dress-shirt. His trousers were covered in a light dusting of sand, and his shoes weren't the most comfortable for this kind of environment - but they were the only pair he owned. Most of the town suffered from the same dusting, barren and devoid of water, the horizon wavering in the heat.

He waited by the store Eames had noted, though he was struck with the realization that if the forger really was stuck in the body of a ten-year-old, Arthur wasn't sure who to look for. He wasn't familiar with Eames' childhood, much less with pictures from that time.

*style: prose, arthur, *day 23, eames

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