EVENT (we've got fun and games!)

Sep 11, 2010 14:23

The sound of horns announced across Sintala that the Tribal Games were ready to begin! Mermaids and mermen crowded the open area one of the holiday markets had been cleared for use. There was something utterly barbaric in the way it was being carried out - no fancy arena, no panel of judges - just Simon being used as a referee, as his station as the Way-Warrant's assistant let him be the most neutral of the group.

Against one of the stations that had previously held types of underwater fruit were different sets of weaponry for the sword battle - broad swords, rapiers, long swords, short swords, daggers. Any type of weapon you could think of was available, as long as it looked vaguely like a sword. There was even one with thorn barbs all along the edges of the blade! There were also crude shields available, half rusted and ancient looking, but available nevertheless. This contest was simple in outcomes: the first one to tap out due to injuries lost!

Another station held spears and cages of fish that had been gathered for this very occasion, staring bleakly at you in droopy-eyed terror that fish often tended to have about them. Excellence will be proven in a combined measure of how many fish can be speared in one throw, and the grace with which you do it. You'll have three tries, and the best outcome will be used to judge.

Let the games begin!

(OOC: TIERS AND BATTLES WILL BE SEPARATED BY COMMENTS. PLEASE ONLY REPLY TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL THREAD. Action or prose allowed! First posts, if not arrival posts, should include which weapons you'll be choosing if part of the sword challenge. )

link (wind waker), chizuru honsho, !narrator, *day 16, minako arisato, alistair, *style: prose, !event, gau meguro, gintoki sakata, minako aino, *style: action, river song

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