new npc get! (closed, incomplete)

Aug 30, 2010 06:00

Characters: simonsimmon and mrcharlatan
Setting/Location: SOMEWHERE MYSTERIOUS AND CLOSE with a workshop
Date & Time: Day 13, evening~Day 14, morning
Warnings: PG-13 for Charlie's foul mouth?
Summary: We're gonna hijack an airship, seeeee?

It was a bad day. Charlie knew it from the get-go. That stupid dog of his was right under his feet as he rolled out of his cot, he missed the junogam twice when he was strapped for cash and couldn't afford to lose customers, he dropped a sledge hammer on his foot trying to work out some dents in a hull replacement sheet that was lying around in the wrong place for too long-- so after all that today, what else could possibly go wrong?

He should have learned from all his years of bad gambling to never ask that question, even in his head. Something was twisting his gut instinct into knots and telling him to get the fuck out of the workshop already and hide out under his cot. Maybe whatever bad mojo was about to come his way wouldn't think to look there.

Yeah the fuck right, even for a passing thought that was pretty cowardly. And Charlie was a man's man. If the rugged good looks and constantly-smudged forehead had any say in it, he was a damn fine man's man. He stood on the short side for a full-grown man, around 5'4" or so, with dark, ruddy red hair and eyes the color of well-worn jeans. While his work could stand the carress of the more elegant minimen, Charlie did his job pretty well and worked fairly close with the little guys. Charming, they really were, once you got them to open up. He wasn't much of a people person anyway.

The thing about Charlie is that he was as stubborn as an old Laiton. Whatever bad juju feelings he was having in his gut, (and even that was debatable, if it was an honest-to-god instinct or just that he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday's lunch) he was bound and determined to finish his current project for the new hull on his airship.

Others wouldn't really call it an airship, but it was his pride and joy, max capacity 20 people or no.

*day 13, *day 14, #style: prose

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