gossip time on level 4 [CLOSED, ACTIVE]

Aug 27, 2010 17:18

Characters: Gabe Weller hungupboots and Nathan McNeill dislimb
Setting/Location: Weller's room [THERE'S A PARTY IN HERE TODAY GEEZ]
Date & Time: Day 13, late evening [sometime after the other log]
Warnings: Again, it's Weller. Maybe some insanity from McNeill. Who knows!
Summary: Weller has to explain a few things he learned on the Ishimura to McNeill. AKA: he has to apologize for lying to him. Oops.

Weller wasn't feeling entirely comfortable with this line of conversation, but that wasn't surprising. While he'd defend his decision not to tell McNeill or Lexine at the time he knew that it McNeill wouldn't be thrilled to be left in the dark all the same. It really hadn't mattered since they'd arrived on this rock, but he knew when they finally did make it back it would be a serious problem.

Should have told him. Should have told us. Why did you keep it a secret from us, Weller? Whispered Lexine's voice, and he rolled his eyes at his own mind. You're just as bad as me you know. Eckhardt added with a mocking laugh, and then Weller grit his teeth. He rubbed his eyes with an annoyed sigh and tried to put it out of his mind. Even if McNeill wouldn't be happy with the news, it was unlikely he'd be that damn angry about it.

All that was left to do was wait.

#incomplete, *day 13, nathan mcneill, gabe weller, #style: prose

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