Curiousity killed (or rather pissed off) the cat (INCOMPLETE)

Aug 08, 2010 22:24

Characters: Mr. Tinkles (evil_bonnet) & Templeton Peck (facing_danger)
Setting/Location: Streamdrab
Date & Time: Day 10, evening? (after his conversations on the Junogam)
Warnings: None
Summary: Mr. Tinkles finally manages to make his way to Streamdrab.

This was definitely worse than being treated like a doll... )

#incomplete, mr. tinkles, templeton peck, #style: prose, *day 10

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You can torment Face if you'd like. I dunno how much help he'll be, since you're a talking cat :P facing_danger August 9 2010, 14:36:18 UTC
Face wasn't particularly taken with the town of Steamdrab. It was better than being lost in the woods, but only just. What about all the things he had arranged for himself back in LA? He had considered himself mighty fortunate to arrange the condo he'd been living out of, considering its wealth and the guarantee that its owner wouldn't be back for a month. And it was on the water at that-- a private beach and deck, perfect for taking any woman the conman might have been trying to seduce. What would happen to all that without him? Would it go unused until its rightful owner returned?

He sighed. If Hannibal were here, he'd tell him to worry about more important things. Actually, if any of the team could hear his thoughts at the moment, he suspected they'd say the same thing, albeit in their own special ways. They didn't understand the true triumph in pulling a scam like that. They weren't there when he convinced the house sitter that he was the one who wasn't supposed to be there...or when he convinced the neighbors that he was the wealthy business associate (and very good friend) of the man who typically called the envious piece of property home. And had they seen his wine collection? No...

The former lieutenant caught some motion out of the corner of his eye and, jarred from his contemplation, turned to see what it was. Steamdrab wasn't completely abandoned, he knew, but he had thought he was alone. He waited a moment to see if he would see it again and breathed a somewhat unimpressed sigh when he saw the culprit.

"A cat," He muttered to no one in particular. Well, that wasn't anything to get worked up over.


<3 evil_bonnet August 9 2010, 22:24:35 UTC
Mr. Tinkles tried running his tongue over his fur once more, before finally giving up for sure. All he got for it was a mouth full of dirt and hair. "Argh, this is impossible!" he growled rather loudly, trying to spit out the mess onto the floor.

When the cat noticed the human male across the room, he wasn't in the mood for playing the 'I'm just a normal, mute cat' routine. This place had wolf-bird things; a talking cat might not be that strange. "You! Don't just stand there, help me with my fur or something!"


Sorry for the delay! facing_danger August 10 2010, 00:49:31 UTC
"You! Don't just stand there, help me with my fur or something!"

The conman's mouth dropped slightly as he stared at the feline. Had it just...? No, that was impossible. There had to be some sort of trick. His confusion clearly painted across his features, Face looked beyond the cat and around the room. Cats didn't talk; someone was trying to pull a fast one.

"Is someone there?" He ventured in a somewhat louder tone. His eyes went back to Tinkles, disbelieving. It wasn't the cat. It couldn't be the cat.


evil_bonnet August 10 2010, 12:01:27 UTC
Oh, for the love of- Humans couldn't even believe when they saw it happening right in front of them! Letting out a sigh, Mr. Tinkles hopped down from the chair and onto the ground, stretching as only a cat could. He made his way over to the man and sat down in front of his feet, looking up.

"I'm here, you fool! Do you see my mouth moving with my words? Right. Down. Here."


facing_danger August 10 2010, 12:08:42 UTC
Face didn't want to look like a fool, but he was finding it harder and harder to believe that Mr. Tinkles ability to speak could be anything but legitimate. But cats didn't--couldn't--talk. There was a catch, a con, a trick somewhere in all this and unless he found it, he was going feel like an idiot. Until then, however, what was he supposed to do? Talk to the cat as if it was able to talk?

And what if it was?

He frowned. While he didn't despise them, Murdock was the one who was good with animals. He gave the surly feline a look and a half nod.

"Huh. Right. Sorry."

He was talking to a cat. A cat. This had to be a new low.


evil_bonnet August 10 2010, 13:03:45 UTC
"Yes, yes, I'm a talking cat, I've been through this whole routine before," Mr. Tinkles said, rolling his eyes. "Though you've come to accept- or at least, partially-accept it- already. Good for you." He wasn't in much of a mood for playing around, so he was glad the man seemed to go along with it.

As glad as a grumpy, dirty talking cat could be.

"Now, as I was saying before, help me tame my fur. I don't have thumbs, you know!"


facing_danger August 10 2010, 20:11:35 UTC
Face gave Mr. Tinkles a good looking over. As the feline had stated, his fur was a mess of burrs, mud, and mats. Quite frankly, Face wasn't sure he wanted to touch the smaller creature at all. "Help you tame your fur," He repeated in the same tone one might talk about getting a root canal. "...right."

He made no effort to move towards the cat, continuing to assess him from a few feet away. "There aren't any gloves or anything like that laying around are there? Or a brush?" Face already knew the answer to that and didn't wait for a response. "You want me to use my bare hands."


evil_bonnet August 11 2010, 15:24:27 UTC
"It's not like I'm a filthy dog or a monster," Mr. Tinkles answered with a huff. "I'm a cat." He glanced around the room, before his eyes finally alighted upon a large table. He hopped up on it and turned back around to face the human once more. "Here, I'm more at your height. Does that help?"


facing_danger August 12 2010, 03:39:42 UTC
"Not really," the conman admitted. He gave the cat another look before offering, "You know, a buddy of mine would probably be able to help you a whole lot more. He's really good with animals."

And maybe once Mr. Tinkles was cleaned up, Face would think about the monetary possibilities a talking cat presented.


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