look at dis chicken soup sisterly bonding moment.

Aug 04, 2010 19:55

Characters: Lightning Farron, Serah Farron

Setting/Location: Dojo, inside the caravan

Date & Time: backdated to Day 9, sometime in the afternoon?

Warnings: nadamente!

Summary: Serah wants to be able to fight some baddies if need be. Older falcon-punching sister to the rescue, obviously.

no more slow-motion kdrama hugs, unfortunately )

serah farron, *day 09, lightning farron, #style: prose

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aveclumiere August 6 2010, 16:43:45 UTC
Lightning nodded, backing away from the supply closet as she took off her belt and holster pack to leave her gunblade on the sidelines.

"Alright, we'll tackle some preliminary defense tactics first. Maybe work on your basic throws and grapples."

She considered taking her jacket off for better flexibility but thought against it. It's not as if she was going to fight Serah, and this was a more educational journey than it was a practice run in a fight to the death, right? Battle instincts were embedded a little too deeply in Light's mind at this point, and she faintly shook her head before continuing.

"As for your...potential L'cie magic...well, we'll work on that later."

Lightning couldn't help but hope that Serah's skills were still dormant because as much help as they were on the battlefield, the fact still remained that it was power borrowed from the Fal'Cie. Just proof of their puppetry, the fact that they were slaves to some unyielding force. She stopped her train of thought to reassess Serah and her attire, checking to see what moves were appropriate for her wardrobe.


fatemarked August 8 2010, 00:08:46 UTC
Serah hesitated, before nodding in turn. "All right."

Though she had managed to scrounge up a couple of spare robes and a jacket the people on the caravan had assured her had been free to take, she was more or less stuck with the clothes she arrived in until she could find some others. And, to tell the truth, she felt more comfortable in her own clothes anyway. Even if it meant dealing with a skirt here, it was still a piece of home. But she had the sense to leave her jewelry back inside her room’s desk for safekeeping.

She took a few steps forward. “Just show me what to do, and I’ll try to follow the best I can.”


aveclumiere August 8 2010, 16:36:56 UTC
She nodded, straightening up a bit as Serah approached her. The skirt might be problematic for the more difficult grapples and throws but Lightning would just have to work around it, that's all.

"Now, come at me as if you were an attacker. I'll demonstrate the throw and then do it again much more slowly to explain the steps of it."


fatemarked August 12 2010, 04:10:01 UTC
Serah hesitated, feeling the muscles in her neck and shoulders tense, her back straightening.

Then, a nod. "Got it.”

Serah honestly wasn't quite sure how to go about doing what her sister had just asked, not at first. She was still nervous, uncertain, and was, quite frankly, feeling more than a bit awkward and silly. She didn't have any real life experiences to draw upon, and the the few fights she had witnessed firsthand had more or less been over in minutes, if not seconds. Hardly enough time to watch and observe. All she had for reference were a bunch of overly clichéd and choreographed scenarios that probably weren’t at all faithful to the rigid mechanics of reality.

Should she just rush at her, then? Try to grab her wrist? That's what an attacker would try to do first, right? Go for the hands, arms, try to bring their target down? Incapacitating them as fast as possible was the point, wasn't it?

Serah frowned. She supposed trying that was as good of a tactic as any. It probably didn't matter how she went about it, anyway; the results would still undoubtedly be the same. She was more than likely going to end up on the floor, like any novice would attacking someone so far out of their league. And probably look just as ridiculous, too.

She nearly laughed, out of nervousness more than any actual humor. What was she waiting for, anyway?

She finally took a step, then two, before breaking into an all-out run.


aveclumiere August 17 2010, 16:34:02 UTC
[ ooc; ohhhh my god sorry for the incredibly late tag, boo. i was out for a week down in south carolina and forgot to post a hiatus note for it! hope it's okay to still tag this. ]

Lightning furrowed her brow the slightest when she saw Serah garner her confidence and she steeled herself when her sister ran forward, legs pumping into a full out sprint. She squared her shoulders and waited for the inevitable attack, her limbs and entire body remaining alert for that single, fleeting moment she'd have to incapacitate her.


fatemarked August 21 2010, 05:37:35 UTC
[It’s fine! Don't worry about it. I thought you said something about going out of town on your Plurk. I was gone for a good portion of last week, anyway, and work has been a bit hectic on my end. So it really doesn’t matter. Hope you had a nice time!]

It took only a few seconds for her to clear the distance between her and Lightning. And though there was a brief moment of hesitation, seconds-because what was she even doing? She didn’t even know-she made a grab for Lightning’s arm. Probably a shoddy attempt at doing it, but she doubted it made any difference in the long run.


aveclumiere August 22 2010, 16:13:18 UTC
[ i had a great time! thanks for asking, bb. hope work calms down for you now! ]

The moment Serah had reached out for Lightnings arm, she ducked under, her own hand darting out to quickly grab Serah's forearm before she twisted her entire body to the side. Lightning pressed her arm against her back, now positioned behind her with her free arm keeping Serah's opposite arm in a tight grip. She loosened it immediately though, not letting go but enough to make sure that her little sister wasn't in pain.

"...when someone comes at you like that, in a forward lunge, your best chance is in utilizing a quick, effective throw before they can get close enough to land a hit."


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