it's that time again [OPEN]

Aug 04, 2010 01:17

Characters: Francis York Morgan [callmeyork] and YOU!!

Setting/Location: Streamdrab, and possibly trolling around the Caravan, too.

Date & Time: Day 10, back-dated to mid-morning. Before the new arrivals make it out of the forest, at the very least.

Warnings: NONE.

Summary: York, now knowing that Zach is nearby, tries to acquire some coffee for the both of ( Read more... )

haruki koutake, francis york morgan, #style: prose, *day 10

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killedurparents August 4 2010, 17:42:33 UTC
Haruki had taken to wandering through the abandoned town but for a different reason than York. Born partly from a morbid sort of curiosity and partly from a sense of deja vu, he had moved from building to building searching for clues... Or maybe he was looking for the reason why they left in the first place?

It wasn't like it could kill him, after all.

Since there wasn't much else to do other than walk around a) this town, b) the Caravan or c) head out into the forest, Haruki wasn't surprised when, upon exiting the small house he had been snooping around in walking in, he noticed another making their way through the city. There was a bit of hesitation before he made his way over to where York was.

"Do you need help looking for something?"


callmeyork August 5 2010, 01:59:51 UTC
York probably should have been paying more attention when they arrived in Streamdrab, as upon first look, he could tell almost instantly it was abandoned. Huh. Well, that wouldn't do, would it? Unless he could find a bag of coffee to make himself--which would have been tedious--it looked as though his search was going to be fruitless.

Sighing deeply, York was on the verge of contacting Zach when he was interrupted, not that he really minded. Looking over his shoulder, he gave a quizzical look before relaxing.

"Oh. Hello there," He started, before turning to face the other man. "Yes, you could say that. I'm on something of a quest. But... I don't think I'll be very successful here."


killedurparents August 5 2010, 04:33:04 UTC
"A quest?" he laughed softly. It sounded like something Kazuki would have said; making his life sound like a video game seemed to be something the other teen enjoyed doing far too much sometimes. Still, if it was a reasonable request, it shouldn't be too hard to find... right?

"What were you looking for? Perhaps I can lend a hand?" and perhaps they could find some clue as to why this place was so recently abandoned.


callmeyork August 6 2010, 06:26:55 UTC
"That's correct," York replied easily, lifting a hand up, finger raised to a point upwards. He had a smile on his face as well, seemingly unfazed by the other man's laugh, as quiet as it was. It took a lot to bother York, after all.

"I'm hoping to procure some coffee, but I probably should have been paying more attention as we stopped here. I had no idea the town was deserted." He gave a look around, fishing in his pocket for his cigarettes. Placing one to his lips, the lighter soon followed. He lit up, taking a long drag. "I usually prefer to work alone, but I think in an instant like this, more eyes would be better. If I could just get your name, we can begin."


killedurparents August 7 2010, 02:04:32 UTC
The teen listened patiently, looking like someone who was used to being told extravagant stories like these. He had to admit though, the calmer approach to story telling was an interesting change from his best friend's animated style.

"Koutake Haruki. Simply 'Haruki' is fine," the teen made his way over to where York was before he held his hand out. "A pleasure to meet you, mister...?"

A pause before he added, "It's hard to tell this place is abandoned from the Caravan. Everything looks like it's been used until only just recently."


callmeyork August 7 2010, 04:31:54 UTC
York took a moment before grasping Haruki's hand as he introduced himself in his own.. special way. "FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan," he paused to finally shake his hand firmly, "Please, just call me 'York.' That's what everyone calls me. It's a pleasure to meet you, Haruki."

Letting go, he took another drag off his cigarette, seemingly unconcerned by the close proximity between the smoke and his new acquaintance. "Yes... that's a good point... Still, I feel as though in general, I could stand to be a little more attentive. At any rate, I don't know how successful this little quest will be."

That being said, York started to walk at a relaxed pace further into the village. For being on such a pressing errand, he certainly didn't seem too rushed. "But, I suppose if we could find some clues to the reasoning behind why the town is deserted, that would suffice." A new mystery to unravel. York lived for things like this.


killedurparents August 7 2010, 05:32:06 UTC
Haruki briefly entertained the idea of death by second hand smoke (But would it work?) before brushing aside the idea. What a strange man this York was. Normally, people would be more affronted or more considerate... Then again, hardly anyone on the Caravan could be considered 'normal'.

When the older man started walking away, the young boy jogged to catch up before following at an easy pace.

"It's a bit unsettling, wandering into some of these houses and realizing that there are still pieces of furniture here... Some equipment too," a smile, "I'm sure we'll be able to find some coffee, or at least something to brew coffee with."


callmeyork August 7 2010, 08:35:27 UTC
"Unsettling and strange," York supplied as he walked about, looking here and there. He certainly wasn't shy about busting down doors to further his investigation, but he also didn't want to leave the other behind. Plus, it was nice to have someone else to talk to--well, besides Zach.

"I wonder what could have caused them to leave.. You don't suppose the giant scared them off, do you? I'd imagine a creature as big as him would cause quite a few tremors. Maybe they thought they'd be crushed." Seemed logical to him. Then again, applying logic to a place like this wasn't always the right way to go about it.

Stopping in front of what appeared to be a house, York peered into the window. "Hmn..."


killedurparents August 8 2010, 05:03:41 UTC
"The area is too clean though. I've seen damage done by earthquake tremors and there are none here," Haruki replied. "Perhaps there was a drought or something like that around here..." But would that explain why this place seemed so hastily abandoned? Haruki wasn't sure...

Like York, the idea that applying sense to a place like this didn't seem quite right. But Haruki was a rational person and, so help him, he'll be sticking to that modus operandi. Video games and fantasy worlds were Kazuki's specialty anyway.

"... See anything interesting?"


asdhfksdf sorry for late tag ;;;; callmeyork August 11 2010, 05:08:04 UTC
"That's true... Which is strange in and of itself. You'd think someone of his stature would cause quite a few disturbances. For there to be nothing amiss seems a little...--" York stops as he peers further into the window, clicking his tongue.

"...Well. Maybe we should keep in mind that places like these don't seem to run on logic. For example, the castle I woke up in was ripped right out of a fairy tale. Moving flatware and all. And this house. So quaint and simple, and yet, there's a strange, mystical air about it. Almost like a prop out of a movie."

York took another long drag on his cigarette. This quest wasn't going to end in his favor, he knew that much already. But, the investigating was second-nature. So he kept pressing on. "I don't suppose there's a law for 'breaking and entering' in this place, so..." With that, York moved from the window to the door, trying the handle. For some reason, he was surprised to find it unlocked. "Jackpot, Zach. Let's have a look, shall we?"


no problem! |D I've been slow myself... orz killedurparents August 11 2010, 07:21:43 UTC
There was no reply for York at that. There really wasn't anything that Haruki could say to that though. Not when his schoolmates were turned into zombie-like monsters by a strange hymn and unreasonable heat. The teen's expression fell when the FBI agent brought up the house in this town.

Because up to this point, he'd been doing a pretty good job of ignoring the strangeness of this deserted little town.

Haruki followed after York with a sigh and a nod.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone here that would complain... And I doubt they could charge someone who works for the police."


OTL callmeyork August 19 2010, 04:07:36 UTC
"Ah, you'd be wrong about that, actually..." York murmured as he entered the house, looking around with a practiced cautiousness. "Even an FBI agent such as myself need a warrant to enter an establishment without permission." But, there was little point in saying such things; it wasn't likely that Haruki lived in the United States, or so York assumed. Still, he did enjoy talking, even if the other party wasn't receptive. Lucky for York, Haruki didn't seem to mind so much. At least, not yet ( ... )


I just dropped... but I enjoy playing against York too much to abandon this orz killedurparents August 19 2010, 06:19:21 UTC
"I don't need a weapon," came the calm reply from behind York. Haruki didn't like fighting to start with and the thought of death was welcomed. But he watched the older man with interest, minding the strange quirks and wondering if there was a reason behind York's eccentric actions. If all else failed, Haruki was perfectly capable of defending himself in hand to hand combat for a short while. Long enough to get away or find an escape route at the very least.

Still, he took care to follow after the FBI agent mostly because the other man was armed. Better to have a bit of defense rather than... going it alone as he was wont to do ( ... )


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