Characters: Gabe Weller [
hungupboots] Nathan McNeill [
dislimb] and The Rookie [
Setting/Location: The woods outside of Streamdrab
Date & Time: Day 9, mid morning [BACKDATED]
Warnings: Swearing.
Summary: Weller and McNeill go out to help escort people to the village. They don't exactly run into civilians though.
Weller was sick and tired of trees- hell, of all foliage in general. He was fed up with flowers, and pollen, and shrubs, and if he saw any more moss he'd probably shoot himself in the head. When he got back home, he wasn't going anywhere near hydroponics and he sure as hell wasn't going planet-side ever again.
Still, all things considered, he was pretty thrilled to be out of the caravan. He felt better than he had since that person lunged out at them in the morgue on Aegis VII. The nausea was gone and his wound had been healing nicely and the fresh air was more than appreciated. Hell, if it wasn't for Lexine's voice whispering you're going the wrong way wrong way wrong way sharply in the back of his mind, he'd be downright giddy to be on a rescue mission.
No sign of anything at all. No hostiles and certainly nobody who looked like a lost newbie. Weller still had his pistol out and at the ready just in case- it was unknown territory and who the hell knew what could spring out at them? It was even more of a concern with McNeill not running at 100% and Weller chanced a glance back at him briefly. Weller wasn't about to insult someone he trusted by demanding they stay out of action but he'd almost made an exception when McNeill insisted he come along on this little self-imposed mission. It had taken some force of will to keep his mouth shut for once and simply trust that McNeill knew his own abilities.
Hopefully that wouldn't come to bite them in the ass later. "See anything yet?" He called, voice rather quiet so as not to alert anything in the surrounding foliage. His own eyes scanned the area again and came up with nothing still, but they'd have to press on anyway. Weller hadn't come out here to return empty handed, after all.