[closed - active]

Jul 22, 2010 19:33

Characters: Snow Villiers feymarked & Serah Farron fatemarked

Setting/Location: Beast's Castle and Caravan

Date & Time: Backdated just before the Caravan leaves

Warnings: None...so far?

Summary: Snow and Serah have some catching up to do after the Masquerade. They'll explore the castle before getting on the Caravan.

The Beast's Castle... Snow had been there for a few days already, but his new reality hadn't completely sunk in yet. He couldn't explain what had happened, and oddly enough, most people around him seemed to adapt rather easily, slowly forgetting about their lost lives... He frowned at the thought, perplexed; would he ever see Cocoon again? Had they done everything in vain? The mark on his arm was faint, but it was there nonetheless...

... and there was Serah, too. If anything, her presence alone made everything much better. Perhaps he should move on, too, but how could he? And did he really have to? From what he'd heard, they were on their way to some far away place they could use to go back home. If Serah was there with him, surely it meant Cocoon was safe. Cocoon could wait. It was weird not to have anything to fight for here, but if everyone was safe, he really couldn't ask for anything more.

"Serah," he mouthed, as though her name was too precious to even say out loud, and a little smile grew on his lips as he thought of her; he still couldn't quite believe she was back. They hadn't had much time to spend together since they'd find themselves trapped in their cells, but from then on, he would take every minute he could spare to be with her. To protect her. He wouldn't let anything happen to her ever again. He'd make sure of that... and he knew that Lightning would, too.

He stood tall against the wall near the empty ballroom, waiting for her; a rendez-vous, something that hadn't happened in such a long time. Things weren't so hectic now; there was peace around, and it felt good. He was far from Cocoon, but he had this, at least; time to spend with his one, his only, precious moments to turn into memories he'd cherish forever.

And it was starting now.

#incomplete, serah farron, #style: prose, snow villiers

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