Jul 21, 2010 22:32

Characters: Morrigan (dissentive) and Yumi (ungirlylike)
Setting/Location: Outside the caravan
Date & Time: Day 9, as the caravan continues on its journey
Warnings: violence!?
Summary: Morrigan teaches Yumi how to use her magic. Open to anyone who wishes to join them!

Morrigan wasn't much for charity. Indeed, she'd found little reason to ever teach the companions the Warden gathered around him her ability to shapeshift until well into the throes of their journey. To be able to shift her body into something not her own was far too intimate to be taught to strangers she held with a contempt eye - and it was only with teeth gritting that she allowed Wynne to learn, though the old hag hadn't much use for it to begin with. But this was not shapeshifting - this was the basic taste of magic manipulation in terms that Morrigan did not feel estranged. Besides which, Yumi was not Wynne - she was bearable at best, unafraid and unobsessed with correctness of their actions. And if Morrigan found Yumi thus unworthy, then she would simply refuse to teach her and they would continue on untouched.

But, for now, Morrigan stood at the edge of the entrance to the Caravan, the ground below lumbering by in the lazy speed by which Grandore strode. 'Twas not so fast that they could not catch up when they were finished, so that they could leave the caravan and find a few unmenacing animals for Yumi to practice upon. Morrigan was never so violent with creatures of the forest - but they served their purpose, and 'twas not as if she was wiping out an entire species. Though, she would have rather used Grif, his armor was most complex and she had no desire to see what lay underneath.

Her amber eyes slid sharply to the corners of her eyes as she heard someone approach, half-turning to witness whom it would be.

#incomplete, *day 09, yumi shirakawa, morrigan, #style: prose

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