Jul 08, 2010 10:22

Characters: Grif (wheelwork), Washington. (freelancerpower)
Setting/Location: Some creepy wing of Beast's castle.
Date & Time: Day six, some time during the night.
Warnings: HALP... EVERYTHING...
Summary: Grif sort of accidentally antagonized Washington before. Now Wash is out of his cage, angry-sounding, and hunting him down. Not as planned.

Grif had the vague feeling that somewhere along the way, he had messed up. Reflecting carefully, that "somewhere" wasn't exactly hard to pinpoint, either. Denying Washington was a gutsy move in itself, one that made him feel minorly badass for a while, but he obviously hadn't banked on the caravan traveling right fucking to him.

Just his luck, right?

Now he was caught up in some jacked up hide and seek game in which Wash was the deranged seeker and he was the pitiful little shit on the run, blindly darting from place to place in the dark (could the light points on his armor glow any fucking brighter?!) like home base was anywhere Wash wasn't.

He thought he had been making pretty good progress. He was still alive, and all. But now he had gotten himself so spectacularly lost, he hardly even knew what was what anymore. Whatever. Grif ended up finding himself at a dead end of sorts, with nowhere to go except either back (not happening) or through an intimidating looking, apparently locked door.

The struggle began.

dexter grif, #complete, washington, *day 06, #style: prose

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