Characters: Lina and Zel
Setting/Location: Zel's room
Date & Time: Day 6, late morning
Warnings: Uuuuuuuuuuuu idk
Summary: GIRL QUICK GANKIN' MY SHIT oh ok we'll have reasonable discussions i mean it happens
No matter how far he went, Zelgadis seemed bound to Lina in some way. Even getting a quiet start to a morning wouldn't see him free of her pull; the sound of her voice, distorted by Junogam speakers, rang out from the lobby as he sauntered out of a kitchen. Naturally, it wasn't his device, but keen demon ears and the familiarity of the voice brought him to attention. He had to discreetly tilt his head, however-- it would've been odd to approach a complete stranger just to listen in on their Junogam.
Instead of trying to decipher what it was she had said (it really was just a garbled mess of sound from where he'd heard it), Zelgadis resigned to seek her out. It wasn't much of an investigation, really: she had his device, no doubt, so all he had to do was return to the room he had been before being reassigned--that exploration would have to wait until he found out what Lina was on about.
Coffee mug in hand, Zelgadis pushed the unlocked door open and stepped in with his best look of boredom and nonchalance. He couldn't give Lina the impression he would just come running the second she called, after all.