gangway world [closed]

Jul 01, 2010 23:12

Characters: isfullofennui and guns-and-coffee

Setting/Location: Cell A

Date & Time: Day Five; several hours after waking up

Warnings: None

Summary: Kurt is subject to Ianto's scrutiny for obvious reasons. He's also pretty bored.

get off of my runway )

kurt hummel, ianto jones, *day 05, #style: prose

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guns_and_coffee July 1 2010, 14:57:48 UTC
Studying his cellmates had not been Ianto's first occupation upon waking in an alien world, but now that several hours had passed and he'd gleamed as much useful information from the network as he could, Ianto found nothing better to do. The two in the cybernetic armour he still didn't like looking at, but the cowboy was good for several minutes of fascination, and the teenagers who didn't believe in aliens were ripe for questioning.

Ianto was not an expert in parallel worlds. Hard to study something that was (meant to be) impossible to access. Torchwood had its theories, of course, and in one instance had even had a bit of practical application, but as far as he was aware no one had thought to question the Cybermen on the minutiae of their homeworld before being sawn open. No one knew where the split in realities had occurred, how that change had brought another and another and another. The only change they'd been concerned with had been the one lining them up for slaughter.

Finn was tall enough that some kind of genetic mutation didn't seem out of the question. Kurt appeared to have fallen off a float at the Pride Parade. Both characteristics were mildly worrisome, but not so much that they prevented Ianto from gearing up for further examination. He didn't expect to get much in the way of results -- Americans were dismal with history, even their own -- but it'd be interesting enough, and it'd occupy them for a few minutes.

Before Ianto could get a word out, however, Kurt regarded his thumbnail with a particularly withering gaze, and Ianto's interest in this subject suddenly got a lot more personal. He'd seen that look before -- on his own face. Which he'd just realised looked remarkably like Kurt's. He hadn't had that haircut since he was ten, yeah, and his eyebrows weren't so perfectly arced, but all the same he was left wondering exactly how many minuscule changes would have to occur to shape an Ianto Jones who was Out and Proud in the American Midwest. 2010, Kurt had said, and he was still in school. It really shouldn't be possible, even on top of the millions of other reasons why none of this should be possible. Ianto kept staring anyway, cataloguing small but reassuring differences, and it wasn't long before Kurt caught on. Ianto ignored his question and kept right on staring. "How old are you?"


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