
Jun 29, 2010 11:24

Characters: Sasuke Uchiha [powerlusts], Naruto Uzumaki [ramenbowls]
Setting/Location: Level 3, Training room
Date & Time: Day 5, Evening
Warnings: None yet
Summary: Just another day of Sasuke training, except he ends up meeting Naruto

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naruto uzumaki, sasuke uchiha, *day 05, #style: prose

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ramenbowls June 29 2010, 18:50:43 UTC
No longer sick and feeling a bit rusty, there was no surprise that Naruto found himself feeling the need to go train. He didn't know if he'd ever need to fight while in the new, strange world, but it couldn't hurt any to keep his senses and his body alert. Sure, lazing about and doing nothing was always fun and entertaining, but there was also a time to be serious. Or semi-serious, at least.

Since it was late in the day (but not too late), the blond thought that he'd probably get the training room to himself. That would be the best, seeing as he still felt a little under the weather from being sick, and didn't want to appear weak if he had to take a few breaks to sort out a headache or wait to see if some nausea would pass. Really, it wasn't like him to get sick, but obviously his immune system wasn't set up to work with the new environment, so it made it easier to contract whatever had been going around.

Shaking his head, Naruto tried to kick the feeling of embarrassment and weakness that was starting to creep up inside of him. It had been those emotions that had kept him from going to Sakura to see if she could help him when he had been sick, and he didn't need to be feeling those now that he was almost completely better. Maybe they'd go away after he worked out a bit.

So, still thinking that the room would be empty, the blond opened the door to the training room and started to step inside, allowing himself to let out an exhausted yawn.

Which he cut short as soon as he saw the occupant of the room.



powerlusts June 29 2010, 20:04:57 UTC
The sound of the door opening makes him alert for a moment. He was the only one there since he'd arrived earlier and given how late it was, he didn't expect anyone else to be there.

Seeing it was none other than Naruto, he frowned slightly as he glanced towards the blond. Sasuke knew the other was quite determined in wanting to talk to him when they spoke over the Junogam a few days ago, and so far, Sasuke had managed to avoid any contact with him, until right then that is.

"Yes?" He finally responded, not really saying much more than that.


ramenbowls July 1 2010, 06:00:17 UTC
He didn't know if it was the sight of the raven-haired boy that made the anger start swelling up inside of him, or if it was how simple his ex-friend's response had been-all Naruto knew was that one moment he was standing there in slight shock-

-and the next, he was seeing red.

Clenching his fists at his sides, he tried not to think back to the time before when he had learned that Sasuke was also on the Caravan-how simple and nonchalant his speech (or text, rather) had been then. He was already feeling angry enough-there was no reason to lose his head… though he was getting pretty close to doing so already.

"Don't you 'yes' me!" he yelled out, knowing that his words were immature and irrational though not being able to think of anything else appropriate to say. "You don't have the right, you bastard! You don't have the fucking right'ttebayo!"


powerlusts July 1 2010, 06:58:28 UTC
Well that definitely wasn't the reaction he was expecting, especially with Naruto getting this angry at him right from the start.

"No right?" Sasuke merely scoffed in response, mostly because the statement in itself was ridiculous. "What do you want me to say then?"


ramenbowls July 2 2010, 14:07:50 UTC
"It's not about what the hell I want you to say!" Naruto shot back-feeling angry enough to rush the boy but still managing to stay in his place. "It's… it's how you should be acting! Why haven't you tried to meet up with me or Sakura? Why haven't you tried to do anything?!"

It wasn't even about him, really. Images of the tears rolling down his pink-haired friend's face played through his mind vividly-having only happened a few days before back in Konoha. Those tears-they were why he wanted to bring Sasuke back… why he was keeping himself from trying to punch the other boy's face in at that moment.

He'd try for Sakura-he's always try for her.


powerlusts July 3 2010, 05:23:55 UTC
"I heard Sakura say as much to me a few days ago when we met" Naruto's words almost amused him, since it was similar to what she'd said to him too closer to their arrival when he'd decided to explore the place. The one thing that was evident in what he said, was that Naruto was pretty much unaware that Sakura confronted him.

"Is it really that hard to figure out why? I have no reason to meet up with either of you. Despite the situation we're in, this changes nothing"


ramenbowls July 7 2010, 01:42:21 UTC
Gritting his teeth, Naruto took a step forward and then stopped. Fighting wouldn't help anything. Hell, the reason why he wanted to find Sasuke in the first place was to prevent fighting. But he couldn't help feeling angry-the boy was still going to ignore his old team, even after Sakura had talked to him? Did her words really not have any effect on his ex-friend?

"How can you say that?" Naruto asked fiercely, not yelling but still putting force into his voice. "For some reason we're forced together and you still won't come back to us? That doesn't even make any sense!"

He felt himself clenching his fists so tightly that his nails were digging into his palms-but he didn't stop. He had to hold back-he couldn't let the situation get out of control. "There's nothing for you to do here-nothing for any of us to do here! It won't kill you to spend a fucking second with the people you used to call 'friends'… hell, forget about me-just spend some time with Sakura!"


powerlusts July 8 2010, 06:49:57 UTC
"Easily. Just because there's nothing for us to do here, I can't just ignore my goals" Sasuke clenched his fist glaring at the blond momentarily before trying to calm himself.

Despite knowing his best option would be to work with former teammates, he though alone bothered him especially since he had already broken his bonds with them. Furthermore, this conversation was derailing his training schedule too so he figured he'd just say something to Naruto to shut up at least. "I suppose I can consider it as a temporary thing"

Whether or not he meant those words, he'd figure it out later.


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