Something wicked this way comes? [Closed]

Jun 21, 2010 00:32

Characters: Yotsuba (cancounttofive) and Slo-bro Slo-bo (littlestbastich)
Setting/Location: The Lookout! Grandore's BUTT
Date & Time: Day 4, probably sometime in the early afternoon
Warnings: Nothing really. Cuteness and comic-appropriate swearing perhaps.
Summary: Yotsuba and Slo-bo meet. Can Yotsuba melt his not-so-icy-even-if-he-wishes-it-was heart?


yotsuba koiwai, slo-bo, *day 04, #style: prose

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littlestbastich June 21 2010, 12:42:51 UTC
Fraggin' stupid, blurry eyes.

Slo-bo could out-wait a fair handful of folks who'd come to the lookout balcony for some air, hunching over a corner of the railing and growling his agitation if bodies came too close like a sullen, unpleasant little mammal. Badgers, wasn't it? Badgers were black and white, too. Badgers might've been able to see a bit better, too.

"Hrnh." The point of a lookout was pretty much crud if the eyes doing the looking out were cruddy. Not that he was ungrateful for them--it beat the frell out of wandering around blind--but it wasn't fun to look out and beyond the world and see nothing but mushy colors.

Up close wasn't so bad, though. Slo-bo slid to his knees and squinted at one of the railing supports, scratching at some of the wood with a fingernail. It was pretty strange to see something so large built majorly out of wood: one idiot and a match and half this dump was toast! Or maybe not. The creaking and groaning didn't sound as natural as he'd expect it to--but what could he expect from a completely different planet?

Superwood, maybe. If that was the case, he figured he might have to start doing a bit of collecting and test it out for himself.

He sniffed, wrapping his hand around the support and giving a little pressure to see if it would give. No--good and tightly built. Somebody had some fraggin' sense about architecture. Good for them.

"Heh." Maybe he should just rip the whole railing apart...It'd lose the caravan a few dumb bastiches for falling. That'd be funny.


cancounttofive June 22 2010, 02:26:38 UTC
"Hah!" Yotsuba suddenly spurt out with gusto in response to Slo-bo's 'heh.' She had noticed him from her spot in the middle of the lookout when he started to play around with the railing, and had gradually made her way over to him as he continued to pique her interest. The little 'heh' he did to himself had been the most interesting so far. Maybe he didn't know how to laugh right? Yotsuba could teach him!

Being as small as she was, it was easy for her to slip her head between the railing's bars to peer at what he was doing from the other side, all while keeping her feet (mostly) firmly planted on the deck. She peered intently at the support he was holding. Hm. She couldn't see anything really special about it. Maybe this was some kind of game?

Her hunger forgotten for the moment, she decided to inquire. "What game is that?"


littlestbastich June 22 2010, 12:51:28 UTC
The sound of a voice that wasn't his own automatically wrinkled Slo-bo's nose. If he just looked over his shoulder and scowled t--

...Well, no need for that. There she was, head inbetween the rails and all. Some tiny little human kid. Great. Just what the place fraggin' needed.

In any case, the scowl never quite got to scowling, rather just pinching his mouth into a displeased pucker as he squinted at her, weighing the value of even bothering to speak to her. Maybe if he ignored her, she'd go away? It was certainly worth a shot. Slo-bo turned gaze away back to what he was doing, giving a grunt as he tugged--it shouldn't be this hard to pull a fraggin' piece of wood!


cancounttofive June 22 2010, 13:24:47 UTC
Yotsuba, not at all perturbed by the guy's silence, continued to watch as he he fiddled with the rail some more. It looked like he was having a lot of trouble, huh? Gradually her smile faded away, replaced with a more determined look. There was no other option; she had to help!

She pulled her head back through the bars (though not after banging her head around a little and almost getting it stuck in the process) and moved a ways back from the railing, spreading her legs and hunching down into a running start pose. Mark, get set... go!

She took off running toward the rail, shouting as she did so to give it that extra "oomph." Right when she was nearly on top of the rail she raised her leg to strike at the bar.

"Pow!" Yotsuba shouted as her leg hit the support. The support let out the faintest of creaks in response.

She stared at the bar in confusion for a few moments. Nothing had happened!


littlestbastich June 22 2010, 13:35:54 UTC
Slo-bo gave an inner Oh, great at the sound of breath sucked in with resolve. Who the frag lets a kid wander around and bug people, anyhow? If he found out who, they'd get a good socking. Frell, anyone else wandering into this scene'd probably wind up with a good socking--it had been a while since Slo-bo'd punched anyone.

That thought distracted him up until the little voice shouting a battle cry. He jerked his head around in time to follow her special attack from start to...anti-climatic finish. The mmoment lingered on for a few, silent seconds as the little girl gaped in bewilderment.

Slo-bo huffed. "Th'frag're you doin'?"


cancounttofive June 22 2010, 14:02:57 UTC
Oh, he talked!

"Helping!" Yotsuba replied, her face lighting back up as she shot him a glance. But... this wasn't really helping, was it?

"It didn't move!" she exclaimed as she bent down to look at her handiwork. There wasn't even a scratch or anything! Not that that could really be expected from a child even on normal wood, but she had been so sure that something would happen. Wasn't that part of the game?

Her face suddenly became serious and she cupped her chin, her eyes narrowing as she continued to look at the rail. "This is a tough case, sir," she said in a low voice, copying some cop drama she her father had let her watch.


littlestbastich June 22 2010, 14:23:41 UTC
Some help. Slo-bo grunted in mild annoyance: it wasn't really her fault she was an idiot, was it? People that young are stupid in general; it's the ones that never grow out of it he ought to outright despise. In any case, he didn't want anything to do with the little girl--goodie-goodies had a tendency to suspect the worst of him around good things. Rightly so, he'd like to say.

"Nyeah? Then why don'tcha just leave it t'me an' scram." He waved a hand in a shooing gesture. "Ain't got time fer you."


ARG I really didn't mean to get so behind on this. I'm sorry. cancounttofive June 26 2010, 09:06:04 UTC
Yotsuba copied his 'shooing' motion, "an' scram!" Her rendition was a little more chipper, and the accent was a bit off, but she thought she had done a pretty good job of it.

She then did the exact opposite of 'scram,' choosing instead to squat down right next to him. "Is this the crime scene?" she asked, staring intently at the railing again. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." she drew out her pondering phrase for a good couple of seconds, her hand rubbing her chin again. then, her eyes lit up.

"It's cement!" That's why it wouldn't break! It was a strong cement!


no worries littlestbastich June 28 2010, 22:01:28 UTC
It would've been a crime scene had Slo-bo lacked a conscience. As it were, he just scowled and huffed an agitated, exaggerated sigh. "S'wood," he said, grunting as he rose, hooking a finger on her collar from behind and tugging upward. "Move, shortie, or you'll get kicked, too. Go get lost somewhere that ain't here." If she didn't move fast enough, the rest of his hand would grab the shirt and hoist her upward to plop her away from the railing.


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