don't stop believing (closed, complete.)

Jun 20, 2010 00:50

Characters: libraria and likeagoodson
Setting/Location: Third Floor
Date & Time: Day Five
Warnings: None!
Summary: Nodoka and Charley are going on an adventure to find empty rooms.
hold onto that feeling~ )

nodoka miyazaki, charles j. chrishunds, #complete, *day 05, #style: prose

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likeagoodson June 20 2010, 01:13:38 UTC
Hardly pressed with any other prior engagements, Charley did not linger or hesitate to rendezvous with Nodoka. His roommate never seemed bothered by his coming and going; granted, that was quite often considering the schedule he'd made for himself. And as many people as there were aboard the Caravan, he couldn't quite get the same serenity he could being along in the room he'd been assigned. It was convenient for reading - how many times had he reread those familiar passages already in just five short days? - and also, praying ( ... )


libraria June 20 2010, 01:49:05 UTC
Nodoka looked up when she heard someone closer, followed with a hesitant question of her own name. She blinked, staring at the figure for a moment. He was tall, but, then again, most people were tall in comparison to her tiny five feet. He didn't look how she had imagined him; it wasn't fair to make a comparison between mind and truth, however. He looked kinder than she had thought but, either way, appearance didn't matter. From their conversation earlier Nodoka knew he was kind: that's what was important ( ... )


likeagoodson June 20 2010, 02:48:59 UTC
Her initial reaction both confused and warmed him. Even more, it was almost refreshing to be in a presence like hers. Nodoka, in a way, reminded him of the young Harold who had been in his care before finding himself here and on the Caravan. Both young and slightly outspoken, easy to open up to--then again, Charley was only assuming (once again) those similarities. The blush and smile were a comforting change to the usual company he kept though, and he couldn't help smiling in return.

A slight nod. "It doesn't have to be very big. In fact, the smallest one would be suitable enough."

He took a step back, tilting his head a little to observe the doors from across where they stood. It was never the size that concerned him; only if it would become an inconvenience to anyone else or was already taken for some other purpose. Charley glanced at Nodoka, clearly curious.

"Have you been in any of them? Which would you suggest?"


libraria June 20 2010, 03:15:51 UTC
Nodoka looked over at the rooms again. She hadn't been in any of them, really, just glanced through the door one day when she had been waiting for her overcoat to wash. Sure was sure there'd be no problem with going in and looking at all the rooms, though. Even if she had been in the rooms before perhaps what Charley-san wanted would be different to the room she had suggested: it was probably a good idea to go and look at them either way ( ... )


likeagoodson June 20 2010, 16:37:20 UTC
That surprised him; at least her honesty was something he could relate to. Unlike a certain someone, such direct responses were easier to interpret and answer without assuming or making a decision that would, later, appear rash and not well-thought out. Granted, it was only a place to congregate and worship, but Charley took those things rather seriously. He did not wish to slight God anymore than he already had ( ... )


libraria June 20 2010, 20:55:09 UTC
"Um, I-I go to shrines at New Year in order to pray but I've never been to a Church," Nodoka replied quietly. Spending nearly all year in a boarding school and then being carted off in a journey into a magical world (all before being stuck on a caravan in another alternate world) left little room for visiting places she'd like to go. She had read about the places of worship, however, especially Western churches ( ... )


likeagoodson June 21 2010, 14:26:33 UTC
Shrines. Charley had certainly seen enough of those in his trips to other countries to understand just what it was she meant. Her name - as did a few of the others he'd heard across the network - did sound foreign; still, it pleased him to know someone, even this shy girl, was interested in learning more about God and the ways of the Catholic Church. His desire to be a priest had gotten him this far, no matter how peculiar it was for someone not entirely human to have such goals ( ... )


libraria June 21 2010, 23:16:58 UTC
Nodoka looked around the room as Charley did, glancing at the corners and the few chairs scattered around. It seems nice and quiet, certainly a place where people could find a private moment if they needed it. She knew what was needed at a Japanese shrine but she had little clue as to what Charley would want. Of course, she promised herself quietly, I'll help Charley-san gather the things he needs too. Stepping away from the door as he walked in she watched him for a moment, a smile on her lips ( ... )


likeagoodson June 23 2010, 01:58:52 UTC
Maybe this was all for the best. With Master being...himself, and their schedules varying greatly due to circumstances they could do nothing about - mostly, he'd admit to himself, it was the nocturnal predicament that left them apart during daylight hours - there was little for him to accomplish thus far. They were still traveling, and as Nodoka had mentioned, they had yet to make any stops along the way. Charley's nose scrunched just a fraction at the thought of sending the young girl out and about all on her own; of course, he nodded and gave her a quick smile seconds later ( ... )


libraria June 24 2010, 04:05:48 UTC
The idea of planning and creating something that would hold such meaning was amazing in Nodoka's eyes; that people would come here to connect with a being far greater than her mind could wrap itself around stunned her. She was determined to do everything within her power to help make sure that this was success, both for Charley and the people that might want to use a place like this. Lifting her eyes to his face she paused, but returned his smile wholeheartedly. It couldn't be long until they stopped and then - then Charley-san could get the things that were needed ( ... )


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