Characters: Amaterasu and THE ENTIRE CARAVAN
Setting/Location: The Main Hall
Date & Time: Day 2, 8 PM - 12 Midnight
Warnings: Anything goes. I'm assuming swearing; I'll add things in as people tell me/as I see them
Summary: After an eventful afternoon, Amaterasu and her volunteers (and not so volunteers) have set up a party. Note: Action and prose logging is allowed! Do whichever you'd like!
At eight o'clock, the scent of flowers filled the caravan. People who opened their doors or walked down a hall might have glimpsed a bit of white disappearing around a corner - or perhaps not: Amaterasu was trying to avoid being seen.
What was in the hallways were those flowers: bunches of them sprung up out of nowhere, apparently firmly rooted into the floor. Flowers that were trampled revived; those that were picked regrew, still leaving a fresh flower in someone's hands. They seemed to wave in a soft breeze, nodding their blooms further down the hall. People who followed this strange instruction would discover flowers running down the stairs and sweeping around the lobby, beckoning the follower still farther, into the main hall.
And the main hall had been transformed: Grass and flowers completely covered the floor, turning it into a field. Giant trees grew along the edges, branches twining far overhead to create a canopy: those on the second floor could probably climb out into the trees, if they dared the long drop with no net. Nearer to the entrance was a stand of bamboo, already with a few pieces of paper tied to the branches. A small table with more slips of paper and pens were next to it. A small
sign explained its purpose.
Tables and chairs had been moved off to the sides, some left free so people could gather together and sit, others stuck to the floor by vines that wound up their legs. Most of those that held food and drinks were secured to prevent catastrophe: hard work had gone into making those platters of food and large bowls of various drinks. Decorations covered the walls and furniture: bright streamers hung on the walls and twined through the chair backs; candles in paper lanterns provided a soft glow for people to see by. The food and decorations were completely normal, but the plants displayed that same eternal life: constantly regrowing, replenishing. The trees had this as well: try to cut one down and it would regrow faster than it could be cut, plus the would-be lumberjack would find that he or she had gained the attention of a very upset wolf.
At 11:45, a soft wind would start blowing from the back of the room towards the doors, as if starting to guide people back out. Amaterasu was sustaining all of the plant life through her own energy; she could only keep it up until midnight. At that point, all plants and flowers - including any that had been picked - would disappear. The wind was her indication that the party would be ending - it would make the tree branches sway slightly and slowly pick up force that high up. She did not want someone to be in a tree when it disappeared! People were, of course, welcome to stay past midnight. It was simply that all the plants would fade away into nothing within a few minutes.