Feeling down in the face, Could you use a little space [active|OPEN]

Jun 08, 2010 02:03

Characters: Austria von_habsburg and OPEN except for Church.
Setting/Location: An empty room in one of the towers
Date & Time: Late afternoon on Day 2
Warnings: None really, unless Church shows up, then there may be some violence toward musical instruments
Summary: Austria likes playing his music and finds somewhere he hopefully can enjoy himself while not ( Read more... )

fuuma, sumire takahana, *day 02, riku replica, emma pillsbury, #style: prose, austria

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Comments 32

cumsubrisu June 8 2010, 17:36:36 UTC
When Fuuma was restless, he tended to wander, poking his head into various things and places in hopes of finding something interesting. Today was one such time. He had tried reading, he'd sketched, he'd done maintenance on his gun. He'd done any numbers of things. Now, he was tired of sitting still. In coming to that conclusion, he left his room and wandered.

Having made it up to the top of the towers to get a better view of the scenery outside the Caravan for a little while, Fuuma headed back down until the sound of a violin tuning pricked his ears. He stopped and followed it to the source, and from the doorway, he watched as the owner of said violin began to play a song he didn't recognize. Classical music was always very hit and miss in the knowledge department for him.

Taking a step back, he leaned against the wall just outside the room, closed his eyes, and listened.


von_habsburg June 9 2010, 03:12:11 UTC
Austria was standing in such a way that he saw the movement by the door when Fuuma opened it the rest of the way. He turned, the movement seeming to be part of the music as he played, trying to see who it was that had come to hear him play. The tall young man leaning in the doorway was unfamiliar to him, but Roderich bowed slightly to him anyway, especially since he was not trying to interrupt him, simply listening.

When the last note had died from his violin he took it down from where it rested, raising an eyebrow at the (Japanese? possibly) young man who had watched the short performance. "I assume I was not bothering you, please come in if you would like."


cumsubrisu June 9 2010, 08:02:03 UTC
Fuuma stepped inside and inclined his head in greeting as he looked over both the man and his violin. He'd never had the time, nor inclination to pick up an instrument. That didn't mean he couldn't appreciate good music, of course.

"Thank you. You're very talented, although I have to admit I'm unfamiliar with the song."


Heh, it's always good to hit that Post Comment button... thing. Whoops. von_habsburg June 10 2010, 05:31:54 UTC
Austria had always been interested in music, and once he had been given the chance to play a violin he had fallen in love. Over three hundred years of practice would guarantee the skill of nearly any man and so he simply nodded at the compliment. "My thanks. The song is Der Erlkönig by Franz Schubert."

He put the violin bow down, extending his hand to shake. "I am Austria, and you are...?" He certainly hoped that this time at least he would get a reply, and perhaps even some polite conversation, instead of the confused insistence that he most certainly not who he said he was that he had gotten several times already.


keytoanewworld June 8 2010, 18:12:59 UTC
Sumire had received Austria's message, and made her way toward the room he indicated in his message. She began to hear the music as she came upon the room, and if she knew anything about German-language music, she would've thought that the story of "Der Erlkönig" may not had been entirely appropriate to play, beautiful as it was. Still, even without knowing the story, the piece still sounded rather haunting, and also captivating.

She now stood outside the door; if Austria had already begun playing, she didn't want to disturb him, although he had sent out an invitation to her. Slowly, she gripped and turned the doorknob, opening the door just slightly, hoping it would quiet enough not to disturb Austria.


von_habsburg June 9 2010, 04:17:47 UTC
Decades of having surreptitious audiences when he played had long ago tuned Austria's ears to the relevant sounds of someone trying to come into a room without being heard. It was nowhere near enough to disturb him (he had, after all, once continued playing his piano through a gun going off behind him) but it was enough for him to notice, and a moment or two later he turned to face his guest. A small smile curled his lips when he saw someone he rather hoped was Sumire, even if he could not be sure, not having met her face to face.

Regardless, it would not do to be impolite to the young lady, and so during a fitting part he bowed to the young lady, following it up with a sweep that invited her to have a seat at the nearby table. He would not have her standing in the doorway like a servant after all.

Once he had done he bowed again, lower this time and with a content look on his face. "Miss Sumire?" He should have brought some tea up, but that would have been slightly awkward with the violin case as well.


keytoanewworld June 9 2010, 04:28:58 UTC
A smile came upon her lips and she bowed as she felt Austria's eyes on her. He appeared kind enough, although considering how little she knew of Austrian history or culture, she really hadn't imagined what he could've looked like.

She stepped into the room and sat down at the table he had indicated toward. "Yes," she replied, bowing her head slightly. "And you're Austria-san?" Her eyes traveled toward the violin he was holding. "I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"


von_habsburg June 9 2010, 21:16:35 UTC
"I am indeed, it is a pleasure to meet you face to face." He placed a hand on his chest, which might have looked slightly odd as he was still holding his violin bow, and bowed to the young lady, this time making it obvious that it was not simply a part of his playing. He followed her gaze to the violin still held in his hand and shook his head. "Not unless you wish for me to stop playing. I had simply finished the song I had begun, and that seemed like a good point to pause and greet you."


Here, have another rambler, on both counts thedoegirl June 9 2010, 03:53:34 UTC
After a fit of thinking far too much and wondering just how well she could manage her condition while separated from her complete dirt busting collection, Emma decided that a walk around would hopefully be a good way to clear her head. It helped a little bit, even if she stared at every potentially dirty thing she passed. Every now and then, she tried to experiment and see if she could actually tolerate touching some things bare-handed, but she always chickened out before making contact. Maybe another day ( ... )


Yay! von_habsburg June 9 2010, 21:02:40 UTC
The clicking sound certainly was a giveaway to the presence of another person, and Austria had already turned to face the doorway before the appearance of Miss Pillsbury. And so it was that she was met with a nod of his head, acknowledging her presence as he continued playing, fingers never faltering as he played his instrument.

Then the music had his attention once more as he played over a slightly more complicated bit, hoping that his new guest would come in and make herself comfortable as he continued to play the tune for his small audience of one.


thedoegirl June 10 2010, 05:23:43 UTC
Oh, darn it. Her heart jumped when she realized he'd noticed her, hoping he wouldn't go into a rage for having an eavesdropper. Some people were like that, after all. He didn't seem to be close to walloping her with his bow, however, and that was a relief. In any case, he'd nodded to her, so she took that as another sign that he was okay with her presence.

After a moment, she finally stepped inside the room, unconsciously trying not to let her heels click so that she could hear every note without interruption. With a soft sigh, she clasped her hands and listened raptly. She wasn't really a classical music aficionado, but Emma could appreciate good music when she heard it.

Again, she closed her eyes, allowing her mind to drift from one hazy image to another.


von_habsburg June 10 2010, 06:31:56 UTC
After years of Little Italia sneaking peeks in at the door of his music room, Austria felt he would be remiss in telling someone to leave or flying into a rage if all they wished was to listen to him play. So long as the person in question was quiet and well mannered (unlike a certain nation) they were welcome to sit and listen for as long as they liked. He did appreciate that Miss Pillsbury was taking pains to step more quietly, and he nodded his approval as she took a seat at the small table ( ... )


did someone say rambling? antireaction June 9 2010, 23:55:36 UTC
For the past little while, the Replica had been just wandering around aimlessly. He'd been avoiding his room because... well... he had a roommate. He wasn't used to sharing space or even "playing nice". And the hallway his room was in? Well, that was out. He'd already pretty much been chased out of there with all the running around he'd been doing. And still he hadn't been able to find that charm of his ( ... )


von_habsburg June 10 2010, 19:17:39 UTC
For once, Austria hadn't heard someone come into the room as he practiced. It was quite odd really, and explained why, when he happened to turn to the side and finally saw Riku, he actually jumped a few inches, missing a note in the song. He quickly reigned his surprise in though, and with a curious (and rather annoyed) look on his face, finished the piece. Once he had done so he turned fully to face Riku, one eyebrow raised. "You should try walking a little less quietly, unless you enjoy startling people. Is there something I may be able to help you with?"


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