there are the embers of a fire that's gone out, but i can still feel the heat on my skin

Jun 01, 2010 13:41

Characters: X (kickasspacifist) and YOU.
Setting/Location: Level III, the training room.
Date & Time: Day One, mid-day.
Warnings: Abuse of target dummies, but actual characters have little to worry about from X.
Summary: There is a blue robot shooting up the room with his hand. What will you do?
> Watch
> Talk to him
> Genuflect

He didn't need to try this out to tell him how well things still worked, exactly.

X's internal diagnostics were still perfectly functional, despite the limits being imposed on many of his other systems. He already had a detailed report sitting in his memory banks of just what was wrong -- the exact percentage by which his power intake was cut, exactly how much force he could now successfully apply with his arms, how much of a charge his buster could still hold, what efficiency he could expect from auto-repair. For Lifesaver, or for Alia or Douglas -- anyone on the Hunter support staff -- that would've been enough.

But X wasn't Lifesaver, nor was he Alia or Douglas. He didn't rely on numbers and hard data to do his job, but intuition and field experience. All the numbers in the world wouldn't be enough to satisfy him if he didn't put them to the test, and so he'd been in the training room for a considerable amount of time already, going through his systems and checking what worked, what didn't, and what functioned but at a reduced level of efficiency.

The third list was the longest, but he supposed he could at least take heart in the fact that it wasn't the second.

But he was mostly finished -- just down to weapon systems, and without any data currently stored for the Variable Weapon System, there was nothing he could do to test that at the moment anyway. Which left only one thing left to try. He'd already set up a few training dummies across the room; it was a poor substitute for a moving target, but at the moment he just needed to test for sheer power, so it wasn't much of a loss.

Under normal circumstances, he would've been worried about blowing a hole in the side of the caravan, but after the results of everything else he'd tested...well, X had a feeling he didn't need to worry much about that.

His gauntlet, already switched into buster mode, started to glow and hum as he charged a shot.

jack russell, x, #style: prose, *day 01

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