Getting Settled (Closed to Shouichi)

May 29, 2010 02:01

Characters: Iceland and Shouichi Irie
Setting/Location: Caravan, THEIR ROOM
Date & Time: Day 1, morning
Summary: Now on the caravan and starting to get a better grasp of what's going on, Iceland is forced to encounter an unexpected twist.


The caravan was... interesting. To be perfectly honest, Iceland had no idea what to make of it. It felt like a moving house, like from a fairy story his brother might tell, something so fantastical that he couldn't quite believe he wasn't dreaming. There was... well, there was really no describing it. He'd never spent time in a covered wagon before, so this massive edifice was something truly beyond him. And that wasn't taking into account the other facts, like the truly enormous giant that was apparently going to be their mode of transportation. Again, like a fairy-story, only this time with a gigantic troll instead. For a brief moment, Iceland had wondered why he hadn't turned to stone in the sunlight, but then realized that this was clearly not a troll from his home.

His home didn't have trolls, after all. Or fairies. Or anything else his people considered that might possibly exist.

What Iceland really hadn't expected, however, was his room. He had arrived first, wanting to make sure it was all right and that he had some places to leave his things. However... there was a very obvious problem. A second bed. Something that Did Not Belong In Iceland's Room. His eyes narrowed as he saw it, and he started casually inspecting the room, finding duplicates of everything. Everything.

It seemed like someone expected him to share a room. On this point, Iceland was divided. If this was his own home, the insult would be answered by a prompt dismissal of the superfluous goods. However, in the back of his mind, he had to remind himself that this room really wasn't 'his'. It was lent to him, and he didn't have much say in whether he was alone or had to share. So, for now, he withheld judgment. Depending on what his room mate was like, he'd form additional impressions from there.

iceland, shouichi irie, #style: prose, *day 01

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