Time to make some noise [OPEN]

May 27, 2010 00:00

Characters: Riku Replica antireaction & open
Setting/Location: Inside the towers (yes, towers.)
Date & Time: Day 1, just before noon
Warnings: Massive amounts of brat, derp, and loudness ahoy!
Summary: The Replia is out on a mission. That mission? Find that charm of his. It wasn't outside, he looked practically everywhere. And before he gives up and figures it was left back in his world, he's going to check every. Single. Hall. At least he's not slamming doors anymore?

The sound of footsteps was echoing in the hall, quick and hard. Each footfall was firm, heavy, betraying the frustration the boy was feeling. But at the same time they were quick and precise, not as heavy as the average stomp due to reflexes and instincts he really shouldn't have. Muscles that were trying to react to memories he couldn't quite cling to. He was a fighter, and at least some part of him was trying to keep quiet. But at the same time... he was in a hurry.

Arms pumping and legs moving steadily, the Replica ran through the halls, skidding around every corner and sometimes even losing his footing. But the walls all held. Sure, he made a lot of noise, what with the stomping, the slight panting, the slamming into walls as he misjudged his turns, but he was making good time, too. He'd already gone around the few floors surrounding his room, poking his head into the rooms that weren't occupied. Every time he saw some dark corner, some shadow under a chest or a box in the windowsill, he stopped and poked his head down, searching nearly frantically before letting out a sound that only got louder and more frustrated in time.

Finally, as he rounded the corner and found himself in front of his and Teddy's room again, he took a moment to stop, to lean a hand against the wall and double over, his other braced against his knees as he panted, teeth grit in anger. Why couldn't he find it? It couldn't be that hard to find a bright, star shaped charm, could it? Especially not one that's as big as his fist. So why was he continuously coming up short? Was that suggestion... that it was back home... was that really true?

"No," he grit out, straightening up and taking in a steadying breath of air, his lungs only slightly burning now. No. His charm was here, it had to be. It, other than Naminé, was the only thing he really had in life. The only good memory he had. He wasn't going to let this weird world take that away from him. Not when everyone back home had already taken everything else. So, after a moment's reprieve, he set out again; running, skidding, panting, and letting out those angry urgh!'s of frustration

xion, riku replica, #style: prose, *day 01

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