
May 26, 2010 23:43

Characters: Sasuke Uchiha [powerlusts], Sakura Haruno [anmitsucherry], open to others!
Setting/Location: Caravan Level 2, Lobby
Date & Time: Day 1, Early morning.
Warnings: None yet
Summary: Sasuke can't really sleep at all, so he decides to explore the caravan a bit

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sasuke uchiha, xion, #style: prose, *day 01, sakura haruno

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anmitsucherry May 27 2010, 08:35:42 UTC
Sleeping seemed to be evasive for a lot of people. Though who could really blame them? As tired as Sakura had been, she'd only slept for maybe four or five hours before she felt the violent need to get up and leave her sleeping roommate to an empty room.

And now she just wandered the halls. The sun was trying to rise, leaving the skies in that dull, off-gray and dark blue haze, leaving the inside of the Caravan just looking.. well dull. But it was nice. There was no one else around, and she could wander without worrying about running into anyone. With it only being the first night of all this mess, everyone was sound asleep.

Although, from what she found as she trotted down the stairs from the second floor to the first, proved her original thoughts completely wrong. Not only was it someone she knew, but it was someone she really wasn't up to actually seeing right now. And it wasn't like she could turn around either. She was practically in direct line of sight, and vice a versa.



powerlusts May 27 2010, 21:45:33 UTC
Sasuke was just near the stairs area, trying to figure out which direction to head from there. He heard footsteps of someone coming up the stairs and out off curiosity he turned to look who it was, only to find himself directly looking at Sakura.

So much for not running into anyone he knew. He didn't really have the time, much less want to deal with his former teammate then. Without so much as a word, he just turned and started to walk further into the lobby as if he didn't even know her.


anmitsucherry May 27 2010, 22:30:55 UTC
When Sasuke did turn to leave nearly a split second after they'd made eye contact, she felt control rush back into her limbs. And her mouth. It was one thing to be avoiding someone, it was another entirely to be completely wiped out of supposed existence. He hadn't even acknowledged her! The nerve!

Not that she was really hoping for it, but it was the principle of the thing.

Immediately, her temper went into overdrive, the last of the stairs from the third floor left behind as she hit the ground with a soft thud.

"Hey!" She snapped. It was loud, but then, not loud enough to wake any still-sleeping patrons. "What the hell is your problem?" Besides, you know. Having a stick up his ass. The.. conversation they'd had the other day, had been the most they'd talked in over two years. It almost left her reeling, despite the contents they'd spoke of. Maybe she'd forgotten just how he was actually used to acting around her back, you know, home. Like she wasn't worth it. Like he had his own plans and goals and no-more-leaf.


powerlusts May 27 2010, 22:54:55 UTC
Well that certainly caught Sasuke's attention. He really wasn't in the mood at all to get into some conversation with Sakura, but it seemed inevitable at this point from how she started to shout at him.

He turned to face her, his face completely void of emotion right then "Seems like you're the one with a problem. Just what do you want, Sakura?"


anmitsucherry May 28 2010, 17:12:07 UTC
Huh. That worked out a little better than she'd originally not!planned. But she caught the fumble that nearly slipped out of her mouth before it did, instead squaring her shoulders and straightening herself up.

"Just because you're.. you. Back home, doesn't mean you have to act like it here. The problem is, you don't have anywhere else to go. You're stuck with us, so you'd better start acting less like a dick and more like a human being." You can't fulfill your goals here. The last bit was left unsaid.

...Sakura wasn't sure what to think. Was she saying it for Naruto's sake, or her own?


powerlusts May 28 2010, 19:44:19 UTC
He hadn't intended to stop walking or even pay attention, but he figured he might as well just let her say what she wants and be on his way.

At her words, he just scoffed in disbelief at her expectations of how he should act while they're here. "Just because we're stuck here in the same situation, that doesn't really change anything"


anmitsucherry June 1 2010, 05:47:14 UTC
"Of course it does!" She blurted out, once again letting her mouth run off ahead of her mind. Then again, she was so used to having to say what she wanted without an iota of delay, when it came to speaking with Sasuke. Not that it happened often, but still.

"You're stuck on this caravan with the rest of us. You can't avoid us, him for however long we're end up stuck here. I'm just letting you know now. You'd be better off acting like a normal person instead of the revenge driven maniac you are now." And that might just be the large distance of space between them letting her say it, but she's still upset.

That's the only reason. She's sure of it.


powerlusts June 1 2010, 07:02:10 UTC
He almost couldn't believe the words she was saying, just what does she know anyway? This was ridiculous. She wants him to act like normal person? It was too late for that, living normally was a foreign concept to him. His entire life was focused on his revenge ever since the massacre of his entire clan. He couldn't stop, he had to keep going to accomplish it because it was all that mattered to him.

As much as he disliked it, she was right about the fact that he couldn't just avoid them in the caravan. He was bound to run into them more often then not much like how Sakura had run into him this morning.

He heads over a bit closer in her direction, the irritation was clear in his voice as he responds to her "And just what gives you the right to tell me how to act?"


anmitsucherry June 1 2010, 07:23:11 UTC
Whether it was her subconscious or not, as Sasuke began to advance, Sakura took the same amount of steps back. Or ... To the side, since she didn't particularly feel like going back up the stairs. All her muscles tensed, body begging her to just bolt. But she didn't. Sasuke scared her, as much as she cared about him. As unfortunate as it was.

"Freedom of speech." She snapped.


powerlusts June 1 2010, 07:44:26 UTC
Seeing the sudden movement from Sakura, he couldn't help but notice the affect it had on her when he moved forward, as if she wanted to leave right then, despite being the one to call his attention just moments ago.

He wasn't intending on doing anything to her really, so he just stopped right where he was while there was still a few inches of distance between them. "That's all?"


anmitsucherry June 1 2010, 07:53:33 UTC
She stiffened again, half backed into a corner. Figuratively speaking of course. If she backed up anymore, she'd be in clear view and much too close to one of the rooms. She didn't feel like waking anyone up, and causing a ruckus. He didn't know what she'd done. What she'd failed to do. What he'd done. He hadn't.. felt that freeing release of killing Danzou, yet.

"I don't think.. Anyone on this caravan will want to deal with your attitude. And like it or not, there's probably going to be people on here stronger than you." Her hands were balled into fists, just barely quivering. No Naruto to save her ass if this went badly. She could handle herself. This time...


powerlusts June 3 2010, 21:55:30 UTC
"Tch. As if I care about something like that" Sasuke stated, the dismissive tone in regards to her response was easy to tell.

He knew there were various kinds of people here, some of whom may be as strong as he is that being the reason why he wanted to seek them out among those sent here. Much like how he sought out a group of individuals for his current team back in their world.


anmitsucherry June 4 2010, 00:22:23 UTC
Here was where she bit the inside of her cheek. She knew he didn't. But that didn't mean she couldn't accuse him of it anyway. A brief thought stole her mind for a moment.

Maybe she should try and think of this Sasuke as... the first time they'd seen him after two years? Instead of... The strangely off-version of him she'd met only a few days ago in her own world? Perhaps. Somehow it didn't entirely fit, despite it. She almost wished there was an in between to work better off of. But it was all the same.

"Fine. Then if you'll excuse me, we don't have anything else to talk about." She was still snapping, though not as harshly. She hadn't been cowed, she was simply unable to keep up with this. It was unnerving, talking to him so casually. At least if he was here... If he was here, she could keep an eye on him. Not let him... turn into whatever he did back home. Maybe she could stop it.


powerlusts June 4 2010, 00:43:55 UTC
At her response, he was glad that was finally over with so he could be on his way. He was a bit surprised that was all she wanted to talk to him about but he didn't dwell on that too much.

"Are we now? Well it's about time"


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