we didn't expect such a rush

May 26, 2010 19:31

Characters: littlestlang, roulettespin, von-habsburg and YOU
Setting/Location: the kitchen and surrounding area.
Warnings: none so far
Summary: Recruiting and cake? I think I've heard that one before.

The Caravan was huge - and, it went without saying, incredibly cool - but that meant an equally large number of stairs. At first, Cassie had despaired of ever getting beyond the lobby. As one of the first of the Young Avengers to arrive and therefore without any handy teammates, she'd not wanted to just walk up to someone randomly and ask if they could possibly give her a lift to Epsilon. Instead, she'd found a corner with a good view of the desk and entrance, and set up her Junogam.

Luckily, she'd only had to wait around for about half an hour before one of the tiny natives took pity and led her into a series of pretty intimidatingly complicated elevators and pulleys that had gotten her all the way up to her room with a minimum of scrambling around. A crash course and three new friends later, and she'd managed to work out roughly how to operate everything without accidentally breaking anything too important.

So now she was in the kitchen, after a bit of trial-and-error, and it was time to find something she could pry open for a snack.

nero, jaime reyes: blue beetle iii, cassie lang, #style: prose, *day 01, austria

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