May 24, 2010 17:32

Characters: Grif (wheelwork), Morrigan. (dissentive)
Setting/Location: Roughly around the second district of Sleepywoods, then the forest.
Date & Time: Day 0, evening.
Warnings: All things terrible.
Summary: ALL THINGS TERRIBLE. Grif wants to see magic, Morrigan wants to see a gun. Morrigan trolls the life out of Grif. He'll probably be traumatised forever.

It was a long walk for Grif; the trek from District 4 to somewhere around District 2. Normally, he would never have put this much effort in to what amounted to a side-project of sorts, but this was something he couldn't say no to. It was literally impossible for him to pass up this opportunity. It was his chance to see magic first hand! He was no seven year old girl, but the topic was interesting enough for him to pursue it. And besides. If this girl really could do magic, she'd be a pretty amazing addition to the red team.

Even if convincing her to do anything was proving to be exhausting. Grif all but stomped to a small sidewalk bench that he determined to be "close enough" to their sort-of-specified meeting spot, flopping down heavily on to the unsuspecting structure. "Okay," he yelled breathlessly, announcing his presence in case Morrigan was close enough to hear. Because that was totally easier than using the Junogam.

dexter grif, *day 00, #complete, morrigan, #style: prose

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